FREE Manifesting Generator Human Design E-Book Workbook


Grabbed your chart and found out you’re a manifesting generator in human design? This free 11 page e-book will give you all the information you need to begin your experiment, as well as journal prompts and affirmations to help you understand what that energy type means for your every day life.

This Manifesting Generator Human Design e-book workbook is perfect for people at the beginning of their journey, or where you feel you’ve gone off track with your alignment experiment, no matter how many years in you are. Why? Because by coming back to the basics of your energy type, again and again, you can keep making those small changes to be able to make big changes long term.

If you’ve only just discovered human design, welcome! If you’re a few years into your experiment, welcome! This is a free e-book to help you really align to your energy type once and for all.

Full of information, journalling questions, contemplation points and affirmations. This free ebook from Align with Becky is the perfect manual for any manifesting generator to begin their human design experiment with ease.

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