Using a combination of astrology and human design, this is a reading for those coming up to a ‘new year’… a birthday, or traditional New Year

We will look at the cycles of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn within your natal chart to understand movement, expansion and challenge for the year ahead, as well as checking your nodal placements and returns/squares/oppositions coming into to challenge your perspectives and lifestyle

You will need an exact birth time for this reading to be accurate

Year Ahead


Imagine if you could…

  • Take a peek into the future

  • Get a heads up before you make long-term or life changing decisions

  • Work with the energy of the year rather than buckle under the weight of it

  • Plan your year around challenges and changes in certain months

  • Live more cyclically through the year

  • Understand the message behind challenges and sticky situations you come up against…

That’s what year ahead readings are for… planning ahead. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually…

Our life works in a series of patterns and cycles.

This is a reading to connect back to your natural cycles of life, understand the lessons, challenges and direction coming in this year, and get the ‘heads up’ on how to navigate the opportunities coming your way.

Each year we all have certain cycles of expansion, movement and challenge coming in. We also have things that nudge our direction and try to get our attention to move away from one thing and embrace another. But most of the time we ignore these little nudges… until they get too strong to ignore.

This reading is about giving you a heads up. A glance into the future, and a chance to prepare for all the upcoming opportunities for growth.

This isn’t about strictly prediction - I won’t be telling you how many kids you’re about to have, or whether you’re about to get proposed to… but I will be able to do is show you where the opportunities for challenge, movement and growth are coming in areas and aspects of life, and the choices you have to grow as a soul, or shrink into comfort.

This reading incorporates traditional natal astrology, transits, human design and occasionally cards/tarot to be able to really get into the nitty gritty of the message.