Could looking to the stars for guidance allow you to find greater peace, joy and flow in life?

I believe so, especially for women who are naturally designed to be living in cycles with their menstruation or the moon through all years of their life.


Book a 1 hour session to run through your whole chart, get you started on your Human Design journey, or investigate some of the more alignment based issues in your life and how your chart can help give you direction and clarity. These sessions are £100.

ONLY AVAILABLE IF YOU HAVE HAD A READING ALREADY. Using the stars to access continued guidance alongside you human design and natal astrology chart. These sessions are £70 per hour and available as follow ups whenever you need extra guidance. Sessions are 1 hour.

What is AstroHD Coaching?

This is a style of coaching and belief coding that combines your natal astrology chart, human design chart, Gene Keys for belief coding work and traditional coaching styles to make positive and impactful changes to your life.

By living in alignment with your own natural urges and understanding the bigger astrological picture at play too, this is a very feminine and aligned way of living with cycles, rather than this linear, almost flat way of living that we’ve created.

Women, whether you’re in a cycle of maidenhood, motherhood, or reclaiming your wisdom in peri or post-menopause, are supposed to be living in cycles. This style of supportive and caring coaching with astrology allows you to experiment with that and reclaim your natural rhythm to live in greater peace and flow.

It’s time to

Start working with cycles to create pockets of rest and action.

Take control of the pen and write the next chapter with intention.

Reconnect to your intuition and find clarity in daily decisions.

Scrap the anxiety and live with more surety.

Step into the main character in your own life and put yourself first.

Ditch the people pleasing and stand your ground firmly.

Understand yourself, feel seen and learn how to work with your soul needs as a team.

Heal your relationship with money and love.

Live from the body, rather than the head.

Are you tired of feeling…

Confused about the next step that’s right for you?

Worrying about what everyone else thinks instead of what you want to do?

Like you can’t sleep and you can’t switch off your mind?

Unworthy of putting yourself first?

Unsure of what you offer to yourself, your family or your work?

Stuck without a direction forwards?

Anxious, frustrated or depressed about the way your life has turned out so far?

And you wish you could…

Enter each day with a sense of peace and ease, knowing that whatever comes your way, you’ve got a firm handle on who you are and how you handle a challenge.

Have a toolbox of practices built up to be able to recognise how you feel, why you feel that way, and how to move that energy out of your body to live from a place of greater emotional balance.

Live more presently, noticing the small but nourishing details of life and squeezing the most life out of each and every day.

Go to sleep easily with a sense of satisfaction and success from the day you’ve had.

Understand and communicate your needs more clearly with your boss, your children, your parents, your partner, your friends…

Confidently tap into your unique gifts and talents, and weave them into your current, new, or emerging role or job… get paid for doing what you love and what you’re good at!

Round off the day with a feeling of fullness in your belly, rather than depletion.

Simply wake up with a smile rather than a frown when the alarm clock rings…

And be an example to your family, rather than a martyr.

If you want to live with more peace, satisfaction, success or inspiration, I’m here to help guide you… this is not a pipe dream, you’re longing for something more because you know it’s possible, and you know deep down you deserve more…

Recent Client Reviews

Finding Clarity & Finding your Voice

We’ll get clear on everything from what you want, what you need, your energy body and how it works, how your energy body will work best, what you’re amazing at, what you can leave to others, and how you can drive yourself through life with the most ease and flow you’ve ever had. Once we’re clear, we’ll look at your unique style of communication to weave this into every aspect of your life, so you can keep showing up, keep being seen, and have your voice heard. Your communication really holds the key to everything in life.

I can help you with

Making Decisions & Finding Direction

Once there’s a clear understanding of who you are and where you shine, it makes decision making and direction pitching much clearer. You might be making small every day decisions or big life changing decisions, but through the framework you’ll find equal confidence in making small and big decisions, without letting your head get in the way!

Breaking Patterns and Habits

I can help you stop going round in circles by bringing elements of awareness, empowerment, and direction to your daily practice. Once you fully understand how not only your energy works, but how your intuition is always speaking to you, how to notice the signs in your body and in your environment, and knowing the spaces and places you will really thrive, it gets much easier to live in the ‘flow’ lane rather than the ‘slow and obstacle ridden’ lane of life!

Navigating Challenge

There’s little growth to be had in the comfort zone once we’ve discovered where that is. So from a place of clarity, direction, understanding and commitment to move, we’ll add elements of challenge into the process to get you thinking (and doing) things differently in a supportive 1:1 format.

Developing Self Awareness & Emotional Resilience

Self awareness is going to be key to the whole process. Through both the one off and long term programmes you will absolutely leave with more self awareness than you came in with. These little nuggets begin to build your confidence and self belief to become new systems that help you shift your perspective and make empowered decisions each day.

Re-discover yourself

Many of my clients are seeking support after loss or grief of some type. Sometimes that’s the loss of a partner or family member or friend, sometimes a dog when they’ve lost a daily routine and companion in a furry form. Other times they’re navigating grief after moving on from a relationship or marriage, or been made redundant and feeling lost in their next steps. Lacking in confidence a little too. Through my supportive tools I can help you get back on your feet, find your direction and fill your belly full of fizz for life again. You might not be the same person as you were before, but you’ll be a stronger, more aligned, more fulfilled version once you begin your journey of self discovery <3.

Find Support and Mentorship

I’m really here to support you in the whole process as you move through whatever you need support with. I support clients through job changes, relationship breakdowns, sobriety challenges, family dynamic understanding, mid-life crisis (aka Chiron returns) and much more. It’s all about you. And using the tools I am skilled in with Human Design and Astrology, and a well trained listening ear, we can move through anything.

Highlighting Blindspots

We all have blindspots in life, and these often live in our undefined or open centres. The stories and beliefs we hold in there, aren’t generally true, but they do rule over our lives! Eek. When we look at your shadow chart we’ll be looking at those blind spots and how they might be affecting your day to day life. Holding you back and keeping you stuck in patterns you didn’t even realise…

And for those who love the detail…

My combination approach to self development normally involves;

  • Understanding your energy type and strategy to know how your energy wants to interact with the world around it

  • Applying your profile lines to help ‘drive’ your energy. This clears the path to know when something is more ‘in flow’ for you.

  • Appreciation of your unique set of gates (gifts), definition and openess within your chart. Understanding where influence comes from, and how you can live with this constant transference between yourself and the world or people around you.

  • Application of the planet energy within your chart to drive you closer to your purpose with traditional astrology.

  • Diving into the shadows of the undefined centres and the self limiting beliefs and stories playing out from here.

  • Understanding of the astrological timeline impacting your life story.

  • Working, ingrained embodiment of your intuition, where it sits, and how it talks to you all day, every day.

  • Unpicking your ideal environment where your body feels nourished, safe and thriving.

  • Developing your understanding of digestion and the ways your body and mind is asking to be nourished.

  • Applying your perspective and motivation variables to help you make sense of the world, and also appreciate how others see the world and the challenges around them too.

  • Through all of this, we will be comparing the way you are to the way others are to help you ingrain your study of yourself. Because that’s really what this is, a deep study of yourself to be able to live in complete harmony with your choices, decisions and challenges. You’re welcome to grab family charts or friends charts with their permission to help you on this voyage, and we can learn about you through other people too should you wish.

  • Current transit charts to understand what’s potentially influencing your situation.

These are the broad topics we will use within learning, but your ‘homework’ aka integration exercises will be more around meditation, journalling, reflection, ritual and ceremony, affirmation, emotional processing tools for the nervous system and the Gene Keys study too. So there’s a real mix of what’s going on! As you can see, we cover a lot!

Types of Support

  • These sessions are ideal for dipping your toe into working with me, discovering Human Design and how it can help you in your current situation, or coming back to alignment after you’ve finished a reading or a long-term mentorship with me.

    The session includes:

    • 1 x 1 hour exploration of the energy of your chart and what’s going on

    • Recording and notes available post reading to help you understand your next step or options available in your own time

    • Sessions can take place online, or in person around the Nottinghamshire/Derbyshire area where suitable.

    Ideal for:

    • Life shake ups and finding your feet after ‘shock’ moments

    • Confirmation you’re on the right path with your plans

    • Enlightenment of where you might be stuck in patterns

    • Relationship, work and business alignment issues

    • ‘Mid life Crisis’ moments (I’ll give you a clue, it’s usually the planets!)

    • Shadow work to uncover the next step on your healing path

    • Year ahead readings to help you plan and guide in alignment

    • Saturn / Chiron returns clarification readings



    These sessions are ideal for continual development at your own pace. There is no pressure int he same way a 12 week programme holds, but you will get the same results in a different way. A way that suits you. You can have one session a month, one session a week, or one session a quarter. The way you progress is totally up to you.

    The session includes:

    • 1 x 1 hour exploration of the energy of your chart and what’s going on alongside the current transits and important dates and themes to take note of

    • Recording available post reading to help you understand your next step or options available in your own time

    • Sessions take place online

    Ideal for:

    • Life shake ups and finding your feet after ‘shock’ moments

    • Confirmation you’re on the right path with your plans

    • Enlightenment of where you might be stuck in patterns

    • Relationship, work and business alignment issues

    • ‘Mid life Crisis’ moments (I’ll give you a clue, it’s usually the planets!)

    • Shadow work to uncover the next step on your healing path

    • Year ahead planning to help you plan and guide in alignment with the planets energy

    • Saturn / Chiron returns clarification readings



If you’d love to…

Lead by example and put yourself first.

Discover your own true value and what gifts you bring to this world.

Learn how to set boundaries with yourself and others.

Let go of the past and heal the emotional trauma stored in your body.

Overcome this period of ill-health with understanding and self compassion for your body as it heals.

Understand the value of just being your unapologetic self everyday.

Change your life and live with more simplicity, ease and peace…

I can help, I promise. Together, using all the tools I have, it’s completely possible to create a life you love living every day.

  • "I could never have imagined the impact Human Design would have on me"

    I’ve learned so much about myself and it’s given me the confidence to trust in my authority and understand myself on a completely different level.

    Becky has been amazing at guiding me through the process, explaining everything in such a relatable way, helping me to understand the various aspects of my chart, particularly the parts which didn’t immediately resonate.

    Thank you so much Becky!

    Claire | 3/5 Emotional Manifestor

  • "I feel like I can now offer something different to my clients"

    I’ve loved really delving deep into how the mind, body and soul can work together and I feel like I have something clear to work on to help my clients in the future, which is so exciting!

    Thank you for everythink you’ve gone through with me. It’s giving me a new found inner confidence and a better understanding of others too.

    Hannah | 6/3 Spleenic Projector

  • "Borderline skeptical to a total convert"

    I signed up for a 6 session package to support with promoting my yoga teaching business on social media and was, borderline sceptical, mildly curious, about this ‘Human Design thing’.

    Human design showed up what works best for me based on my Design, and though there’s lots more for me to explore on the subject, I’m a convert. Now enthusiastically curious rather than borderline sceptical. Thank you!

    Sue | 2/4 Pure Generator

  • "Given me hope"

    Many thanks for my Chiron Returns reading.

    It was really informative and has given me belief that the current turmoil will settle down and lead to a more stable period soon.

    Having that hope gives me the strength to keep going, the trust to follow my heart and to see light through the gloom. Thank you.

    John | 1/3 Spleenic Projector

Ready to change your life?

I’m right here waiting to help you.

Hi, I’m Becky!

My expertise lies space holding, sound healing, ritual and meditation, as well as the ability to digest complex philosophy and astrology and making it not only simple and understandable for you to implement, but exciting and inspiring as you embark on the next chapter of your life.

I am here to empower you, to educate you and to drive you towards the life you are here to lead. I use a blend of traditional western and vedic astrology, human design, the gene keys and other philosophical bodies of work such as the iching (the chinese book of changes) to transform your life from flat, frustrating or stagnant to inspired, peaceful and satisfying every day. Through the long-term work we will weave in nature based ritual practices, meditation practices, sound healing and trauma sensitive nervous system work to help you acknowledge and process your story so far.

I love making complex information simple, digestible and liveable. These tools have changed my life, allowing me to live completely presently. I now live a life away from the office dramas, away from the energy vampires, and away from the over committed schedule. And I’m thriving and loving every single minute. And now, I want to help you do the same. Afterall, I’m just a simple girl from an old mining village… so if I can do it, you definitely can.

My accredited qualifications lie in yoga, yogic philosophy, sound healing, Human Design, Astrology and ceremonial space holding, and I’ve been helping to transform lives using these bodies of work since January 2020, when the new world started to emerge.