Healing HarmoniesCPD

A 7 hour masterclass course for Sound Healers working with clients with anxiety

This masterclass is ideal for looking to introduce more constructive harmonies into their healings, no matter what instrument you’re working with, especially for working with clients with anxiety

Deep dive masterclasses to develop your intuition, deepen your connection to your instruments and deliver authentic and unique healing in 1:1 and group settings for people with anxiety

You’re giddy with excitement having completed your Level 1 or foundational sound healer course.

The Level 2 is an eye watering investment. It feels out of reach.

You can’t justify the cost of another learning course without honing your craft first and making some actual money back.

And you’re left feeling a little bit lost as to how to deliver authentic and quality healings that are within YOUR signature, rather than a copy and paste of your trainers sessions.

You’re scratching your head wondering how you can expand into your true potential. Feeling a bit stuck and alone as a healer.

And you need to build money and confidence as you navigate this healer world.

You just need ‘become a better sound healer’, you think…

Not because you don’t know what you’re doing.

But because you haven’t truly embodied what you’ve learned. The body hasn’t absorbed what the brain has learned. You haven’t yet connected to yourself and tapped into your energy and gifts that come with being an instrument guardian.

This is not another training. It’s a deeply personal self development course that will hands down make you a better, more integrated and confident sound healer making more money. That’s my promise.

All of this is based on what I learned the hard way as I muddled through for the first few years, isolating myself and falling into the traps of competition over authenticity.

When I first launched the idea of this course, it looked quite a lot different. I knew though, that I needed to wait. Because I could see the planets were bringing in a whole new chunk of energy around endings and beginnings, clarity and focus… and so that’s exactly what I did. I waited.

And sure enough, as Jupiter went retrograde, the eclipses shifted old beliefs, Pluto went direct and the Aries full moon came about to bring a burst of passion and drive, I suddenly had clarity.

For years I’ve been working with people with anxiety. I’d say 90% of my client base are people who experience anxiety, be it mild or chronic, regular or sporadic. Heck, the majority are women and our anxiety flows with our menstraul cycles or moon cycles… of course I was dealing with lots of anxious people.

But over the last 5 years what I’ve been developing is my own simple style of sound healing, using just one instrument and my voice. And what I’ve come to recognise is this simplicity, stillness, silence and storytelling combination that I’ve developed, called Healing Harmonies™ is, for anxiety especially, incredibly healing and life-changing. Simple, but life-changing.

And that’s what I’m teaching in this masterclass. How to specifically tailor, tweak and expand your offerings for your anxious clients. Because anxiety is something the majority of people will suffer with at some point in their life, and understanding how to treat it through therapeutic sound is going to be simply life changing.

The content of the masterclass

Understanding the nervous system and regulation techniques

There’s a reason why anxiety sound baths need to be tailored and different to lets say, generic sound baths or those tailored towards depression. And the reason lies in the understanding of the nervous system. This is a fundamental key for understanding WHY anxiety sufferers need a specific type of sound bath, and how we can create safety for the nervous system whilst supporting healing.

The power of safety, silence and stillness for anxiety

We cannot speak about sound without also speaking about silence. Silence can feel incredibly unsafe for people with anxiety to begin with, so what are the tips and tricks you can use to remove silence? How can you help someone settle into a sound healing more so they feel safe? What techniques might we use to introduce silence more often into our sound baths, rather than just one big long pause at the end… so much to consider, but the WHY is incredibly important. Why do we need silence, and how do we create it safely?

Fractals, patterns and water: the foundation for healing

As well as understanding the nervous system, it’s important to understand the brain too. Our brain sits in a big sack of water, so understanding the way sound affects water, as well how imprinting water with words, intentions and symbols, we can create a whole new level of sound healing in subtle ways for clients with anxiety. Our brain is the processing centre for our nervous system, so this really is a key part of understanding how to work with anxiety. The connection to water is incredibly powerful. During this part we will be looking at the work of Veda Austin and personal experiments to understand how speaking to water can have a profound impact on our ability to soothe and heal.

The power of harmonics for the nervous system and the difference between vibrational instruments and harmonics

Music theory meets sound healing. This is the fundamental teaching of Healing Harmonies… how to actually create harmonies that heal looking at classical music research and science. Our instruments and voices are amplified when we bring in our voice. Working with harmonic principles we will explore what it looks and feels like for ourselves and our clients when we weave our voice in harmonically to our instruments. Nothing fancy, just simple 3rds, 4ths, 5ths and octaves. I will also be introducing you to light language / soul language too, a practice I use a lot with Healing Harmonies, and which feature on my album SOPHIA heavily!

The majority of sound healing courses are taught from a perspective of vibrational healing. We are all water, vibration moves through water and shifts energy. Great. However what I find more impressive is the way specific healing harmonies and intervals interact with the brain to create physical as well as mental and emotional healing. This principle underpins all of what Healing Harmonies is about.

The science & power of combining cacao with sound for anxiety

The combination of cacao and sound healing for anxiety is potent. I teach this cacao training separately as a full day CPD, but there’s a powerful healing that happens when we use cacao to open the body and focus the mind before receiving sound. During this part I will talk about the contraindications and things to look out for before offering cacao to clients, but also speak about the incredible psychoactive ingredients contained within this plant medicine and why it has such a powerful effect on the nervous system.

Sacred mantra is so helpful for sharing and teaching. If you’re not so comfortable with chanting or toning or opening your soul language yet, sacred mantra is a beautiful place to weave the energy of your voice and your instruments together without feeling like you need to sing. It’s also a powerful form of healing for your clients to join in with too. I’ll be introducing you to some of my favourite mantras to share with my bowls, and those that I find more healing to share and teach.

The importance of repetition and simplicity for sound healing with anxious clients

Befriending your natural voice and leading by example

As a sound healer there’s going to be a level of vulnerability in sharing your voice, and I totally understand that. I’ve been there myself, I wasn’t always so confident in sharing my natural voice. I wanted it to be stronger, more powerful, louder… until I made friends with it. This part will be all about befriending your NATURAL voice. The texture, quality, volume, frequency, tone… all of it. It’s your instrument for healing and creating incredibly beautiful and unique harmonies. We need to make friends with it for that to happen. Many people who suffer with anxiety will have throat chakra blockages. They’re struggling, for whatever reason, to communicate what or how they need to, and so the energies are getting stuck in their head, whirling round and round. By using your own voice vulnerably you’ve providing a level of role modelling too, and this is an underestimated part of sharing your singing voice. You’re lending your vulnerability and safety to others.

The impact of lunar cycles & menstrual cycles

Lastly, there’s a wider understanding of anxiety, especially when it comes to women. Menstrual cycles can have a huge impact on our anxiety, as well as perimenopause too. By understanding the menstraul cycle impact AND lunar cycle impact on levels of anxiety, we can begin to educate our clients and the wider community, making anxiety chat normal, natural and cyclical.

Additional considerations & structure

There’s a balance to be had between spontaneity and structure, especially when working with clients with anxiety. During this part of the masterclass we will look at the structure that I use within healing harmonies sessions, and what considerations you might need to take into account for your own sessions. We will look at class structure, astrology, essential oils & aura somas, journalling and cards as options to enhance your sessions.

There are two ways I teach this 7 hour masterclass

Online Group Option

Part One: Saturday 11st January 2025 9-1pm

Part Two: Saturday 18th January 2025 9-12pm

Investment: £222

All sessions recorded and you will receive lifetime access to recordings. These will be available for all after the live session has finished.

Private Online or In Person

This CPD is available as a private session, either online or in person. Content can be taught over a longer or shorter period of time to suit you.

Investment for private tuition: £444

Day rate available for studios or private group teachings.

About me

Hi I’m Becky, and I get to spend the majority of my time guiding people into harmony and empowering people into healing. I’ve been working as a full time sound healer since 2020 and have worked with everyone from big corporates up in the Northern Powerhouse to those on end of life care in hospitals and hospices. Sound healing holds the power for us all to heal and prepares us for the next chapter of life, no matter what that might be.

All my work is about finding spirit, alignment and harmony.

The human body has incredible ways of healing itself, knowing what it needs and creating harmony so there’s no space for disharmony, also known as disease.

Music holds the key for us to create a healthy mind, body and spirit, and through the classical theory of healing harmonies, understanding the water body and how music imprints us all, I bring my unique combination of sound healing, voice activation, human design and astrology together to create pockets of harmony and peace whereever I go.

My sound healing lineage is below for those who want to know who I was trained by and how:

Holly Husler - Crystal Singing Bowl training

Josie Danielle - Light Language activation

Yantaro Jiro - Voice activation and sacred chanting

Charlotte Church & Deborah Coughlin - Songs of the Soul

Got a burning question?

Drop me a message about the course. No question too silly!