What if there was a way to take all of the guess work out of life?

A map that you could check for direction when you felt lost?

A place where you could go for totally unique inspiration and insight?

Well those maps do indeed exist… we’ve just not been taught how to use them, until now.

Say hello to the Soul Path reading

Using a completely unique combination of Astrology and Human Design, through this reading you will learn:

Who you are

Where you’re going

And how to get there…

“Astrology gives us the map of where we’re going. Human Design tells us how to get there.”

Rebecca Lovatt

These two huge topics, of astrology and human design, are normally read individually. However over my years of doing Human Design readings for a whole host of people, I started to notice a pattern within Human Design readings. Whilst Human Design is an incredibly empowering tool that reminds you have everything you need inside of you, it would often feel like something was missing. Like we had all the tools to go on a big long adventure, but we didn’t know where exactly we were going with this new found confidence and freedom and self understanding.

And similiarly, when I’ve done astrology readings alone before, there’s been a difficultly in connecting the dots to understand HOW they get to the destination that’s been mapped out for them in the stars.

Basically, the two modalities without each other leave us feeling incomplete.

So as I continued my astrology studies with various mentors as well as a hell of a lot of self study, I started to realise… these two are meant to go hand in hand. We’re not meant to choose which one we prefer, we’re meant to use them both.

And my mind was blown.

Because what I suddenly saw infront of my with my own astrology and human design charts was, now I had a map AND a toolkit of how to get to that final destination.

My focus narrowed, my business confusion cleared, and it all just… took off.

This is a 1.5 hour reading online via zoom to discuss:

  • Where you’re going and which direction you need to be facing to even start with… be it in life, in this cycle or season of your life, or into a new year (you get to choose the timeframe!)… using Astrology and transits we will look at what life has mapped out for you and which direction you’re going

  • How you can get to that destination in life… using Human Design we will look at your unique blueprint and how you can use your own unique energy to create the life you want

  • What you need in your toolkit or rucksack for the journey… addressing any nervous system issues that might be keeping you in the stuck or in self sabotage cycles

This is a life changing reading, and I don’t say that lightly. It’s come about after years of alignment study, through Human Design, transits, lunar cycles and traditional astrology, and I’m incredibly excited to now be able to offer this signature Soul Path Reading to the world. I’ve used it as a combination for my own personal development (and continue to do so!), and now I’m sharing it as my own unique reading offering.

£150 for 1.5 hour reading, the reading will be recorded so you can have lifetime access to watch back at any time.

Available across the world, all times are UK times.