Become A Better Sound Healer

A personal development course for Crystalline Sound Healers

12 week online journey to deeply develop your intuition, deepen your connection to your instruments and deliver authentic and unique healing in 1:1 and group settings.

You’re giddy with excitement having completed your Level 1 sound healer course.

The Level 2 is an eye watering investment. It feels out of reach.

You can’t justify the cost of another learning course without honing your craft first and making some actual money back.

And you’re left feeling a little bit lost as to how to deliver authentic and quality healings that are within YOUR signature, rather than a copy and paste of your trainers sessions.

You’re scratching your head wondering how you can expand into your true potential. Feeling a bit stuck and alone as a healer.

And you need to build money and confidence as you navigate this healer world.

You just need ‘become a better sound healer’, you think…

Not because you don’t know what you’re doing.

But because you haven’t truly embodied what you’ve learned. The body hasn’t absorbed what the brain has learned. You haven’t yet connected to yourself and tapped into your energy and gifts that come with being a Crystal Bowl guardian.

This is not another training. It’s a deeply personal self development course that will hands down make you a better sound healer making more money in 12 weeks. That’s my promise.

All of this is based on what I learned the hard way as I muddled through for the first few years, isolating myself and falling into the traps of competition over authenticity.

Let me be clear. This isn’t another training. Another certifcate. Something you collect and put on the wall and never think anymore about.

This is teaching you a new way of BEING a sound healer. Of living as an intuitive healer, not switching ‘work mode’ on and off. Your hole way of being will be completely transformed.

This isn’t something they teach you in the traditional ‘Levels’ programmes, because they can’t. This isn’t textbook sound healing, this is you developing YOUR sound healing. The sounds that need to come from you and your instruments. The sounds your clients need. Something totally and completely unique to you. Something no one else can copy and paste.

So if you’re just looking for another certificate to say ‘oh look I’m good at this’ then this isn’t for you.

But if you want to develop your third eye, your intuition, your space holding skills, your strengths, your voice, your connection to your instruments, your marketing, your presence… and become more YOU. Then this is what you’re missing.

With this course you 100% will become a better sound healer. Does what it says on the tin, that’s what I’m all about!

So, what do we cover in this 12 week sound healer development course?

Week One

Understanding the layers of the body and connecting to the water body, the main layer we will be journeying with over these 12 weeks. You will learn all about how water is affected by quality, belief, stories, trauma and environment. We are connecting to the water body with crystalline sound healing, so this is where we will begin. Understanding exactly what the water body is important for and how it affects ourselves and our clients.

Week Two

Delving into the healing properties of different minerals, metals and crystals. Connect to your crystal bowls through the messages of the crystals, not the vibration or note as we’ve been traditionally taught in level 1. Understanding crystals and why they heal so well is a core principle of this course.

Week Three

Learning to listen. Our bowls are always speaking to us. We are their guardians afterall. But how often are you listening? How much time do you spend in conversation with them? How well do you actually know them? We’ll begin connecting through listening exercises and conversation, noticing the subtle sensations that spread through the water body as we do. What secrets will be unlocked?

Week Four

Receiving messages from the bowls through water. The work of Veda Austin is fascinating, and I’ve had some incredible results connecting to my bowls in this way. The water showing me hummingbirds, crosses, footprints… we’ll also begin to understand how exactly the bowls are affecting us and our clients, working with the water body and not vibration as we’ve been traditionally taught. This is all about how imprinting works with experiments to try with your own bowls!

Week Five

Toning and harmonising with your bowls. Our bowls and voices are amplified when we bring in our voice. Working with harmonic principles we will explore what it looks and feels like for ourselves and our clients when we chant or tone. Introducing you to light language / soul language too, a practice I use a lot, and which feature on my album SOPHIA heavily! Water speaks to the water body like no other…

Week Six

The combination of cacao and sound healing. I teach this cacao training separately as a full day CPD, but there’s a powerful healing that happens when we use cacao to open the body before receiving sound. Learning how to safely offer cacao as part of your private healing sessions for yourself and your clients, this is a session around healing the heart. Heartbreak, grief and self love will be our focus.

Week Seven

Reflecting on all we’ve learned so far, this week will be about how intention and attention really work to be able to create powerful healing. And I’ll let you in on a secret - yep, it’s all about your water body and how water reacts to energy! During this session we will also learn how to create ritual water and sacred water for use on ourselves, spaces, auras and clients.

Week Eight

Sacred mantra. If you’re not so comfortable with chanting or toning or opening your soul language yet, sacred mantra is a beautiful place to weave the energy of your voice and your bowls together without feeling like you need to sing. It’s also a powerful form of healing for your clients to join in with too. We’ll be enjoying a harmonium filled singing session from the comfort of your own home, and looking at the effect on the water body through the freezing technique we learned in week four. Seeing is believing afterall.

Week Nine

So this is all really lovely, but how does healing the water body actually heal us? From a human design standpoint I will introduce you to the power of restoring the water body to manipulate energy, clear, reprogramme and evolve. You’ll be able to see from your own chart where you’re most susceptible to taking on others peoples energy, and what illness in the energy body and water body look like when they’re presented to you.

Week Ten

Healing the waters of the land. We’ve focussed a lot on healing the waters of the body, but the land holds powerful secrets too. I’ll be teaching you techniques to use to help heal the waters of the land, whether you’re healing from the earth or the rivers, and the importance of giving back to mother earth when you’re building an authentic healing practice.

Week Eleven

Marketing. I worked for 12 years in marketing, I know how this works. During this session we’ll be getting practical with marketing and business advice to find your ideal client and begin to fill up those classes now you’ve found your authentic style and voice.

Week Twelve

Reflections, questions, and a note about different kinds of healing you can offer with the bowls based on experience. I’ll be sharing some of my stories from end of life care sessions, grief healing, wheel of the year and corporate, to give you some inspiration and confidence that you CAN create a beautiful healing business that suits your needs and you can do it your way… I will also be sharing my fundamental principles for creating a safe space, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Continued work

Through the weeks my intention is to help you develop your intuition through all of these different exercises and more. We’ll be looking at different forms of intuition and using the elements to develop our own practice. You will also be guided through my 30 day water cleanse which I highly advise for any sound healer looking to ‘up their vibe’ and get used to being a conduit rather than a sponge, if you like!

All sessions will be live on zoom and recorded for playback any time.


Originally I intended to run this course in September 2024.

However, with the astrology all looking at ‘wrapping up’ as Pluto heads back into Capricorn, AND my decision to apply for CMA accreditation for this course so it can go towards CPD points and help develop new practitioners, I have decided to hold off until January 2025 and run the course then. Please sign up to the specialist email list below to make sure you hear about it first when it’s ready to go!

About me

Hi I’m Becky, and I get to spend the majority of my time guiding people into harmony and empowering people into healing. I’ve been working as a full time sound healer since 2020 and have worked with everyone from big corporates up in the Northern Powerhouse to those on end of life care in hospitals and hospices. Sound healing holds the power for us all to heal and prepares us for the next chapter of life, no matter what that might be.

All my work is about finding spirit, alignment and harmony.

The human body has incredible ways of healing itself, knowing what it needs and creating harmony so there’s no space for disharmony, also known as disease.

Music holds the key for us to create a healthy mind, body and spirit, and through the classical theory of healing harmonies, understanding the water body and how music imprints us all, I bring my unique combination of sound healing, voice activation, human design and astrology together to create pockets of harmony and peace whereever I go.

My sound healing lineage is below for those who want to know who I was trained by and how:

Holly Husler - Crystal Singing Bowl training

Josie Danielle - Light Language activation

Yantaro Jiro - Voice activation and sacred chanting

Charlotte Church & Deborah Coughlin - Songs of the Soul

Got a burning question?

Drop me a message about the course. No question too silly!