Location & Change Reading

Where in the world should I be?

A reading for those who feel like they’re not in the right place for the next stage of their life, or who need inspiration for travel and short term re-location using a combination of Human Design, Astrocartography and intuitive reading.

Have you eve visited somewhere that’s been recommended to you by a friend, they’ve had an amazing time, and you get there and it just feels wrong?

Like the world’s against you or there’s just life lessons flying at you left, right and centre?

You’ve probably just visited somewhere on your Pluto, Chiron or Saturn line… oops!

Astrocartography is the study of astrology mixed with geography, and can help you figure out where you’re meant to be in the world, whether it’s places to visit, or places to live.

Each person has a completely unique astrocartography map with indications on the best places for them to be visiting or located at during times of business growth, personal growth, spiritual growth and healing.

During this reading I combine the study of astrocartoghy with Human Design and your nodal placements to indicate on a day to day level where you will flourish, and on a countywide/national/international level, where the best places for you to be will be. This is a completely unique reading to myself and has developed over the years of working as an energy healer, astrologer and confident to many people in the sector.

This reading will give you inspiration, ideas, clarity and confirmation on where you’re meant to be and the direction of your true north.

So whether you’re looking to launch a new business, go on holiday, relocate or just finding the stress of moving house overwhelming, let’s take the pressure off and see what the energy has to say…

About me

Hi, I’m Becky, and I’m here to help you understand your story so far, look at how far you’ve come, and align the rest of your life to allow health, peace and joy to flow through your veins.

When I first started this work I was working purely with alignment but what I soon noticed was the link between alignment and health, especially long-term and chronic illnesses that we don’t seem to be able to understand through western medicine.

Through a combination of practical Human Design, Astrology, Sound Healing, Gridwork Connection, Gene Keys and intuitive reading, I’m here to help you find out exactly where you need to be on the inside, and on the outside.

This is the story of how a person falls back in love with the simple joys in their life.