Valleys Human Design Survival Kit

valleys human design survival kit

Welcome, fellow Valleys Human Design people!

I don’t know about you, but most of my ‘aha’ moments come when I’m in stillness, around other people. That might look like being at a coffee shop, having a massage, or going for an autumnal stomp around the woods. Yep, I’m a Valleys person. I’m 4 years into my experiment now, and I’m just starting to get my head around the variables as I teach Human Design more and more.

As I was reflecting on what it meant to be a Valleys person, I had an idea. A Valleys survival kit. Something to get each Valleys person through their day with joy and hope and peace. Because to be honest, many of the things we’re conditioned to love doing, like go shopping, is SO not Valleys.

Here, I’ve listed my top 5 absolute must-have items for Valleys Human Design folk… so, welcome to my survival kit!

Valleys Human Design Survival Kit

  1. Headphones… ideally noise cancelling ones

    For heavens sake Valleys people, don’t leave the house without your headphones! Noise cancelling headphones couldn’t be more Valleys if they tried, and it’s because of the acoustics. Valleys people tend to be super sensitive to sound. You know, like they’re the kind of people that hear plugs buzzing or wires sizzling. Those people. Anyway, noise cancelling headphones give you a break from those overstimulating sounds, AND you can play your choice of music on them too. Personally, I usually have frequency music, calming classical music or soothing playing because that’s my jam. But really, each Valleys person will have their go-to playlist for when they need to amp up or calm down.

  2. On that note… earplugs

    Especially helpful when you’re going to new places. I wear my Loops now everywhere I go that isn’t calm and peaceful. So supermarket shopping, friends who live in attached properties, walking along a road where traffic just fries your nerves. Ear plugs like Loops do come in really handy and they attach to your purse or car keys, meaning when you’ve not got your headphones, you’ve got a backup. And on that note, they’re really useful for sleeping, because Valleys people staying in hotels will hear every single noise you can possibly image, and beyond!

  3. Conversational podcasts

    For on-the-go entertainment and connection, I really recommend this for Valleys Human Design people. See the thing about Valleys is that they want to connect with people and keep their ear to the ground. They want to know the gossip and the conversations and the information straight from source. So, next time you feel a bit lonely, download a conversational style podcast (not one where someone is just talking to the microphone), and feel yourself get immersed in what’s going on around you.

  4. Let yourself scroll and connect on Social Media

    Social media gets a bad rep in a lot of ways. But let me tell you, Valleys people, social media is certainly your thing. You can easily connect with people you know, your community, and listen to conversations that really interest you there. Out of all the different types, I’d hazard a guess that you lot use social media in a pretty healthy way rather than let yourself get too distracted or drained. Social media really is the online home of the Valleys person, so don’t beat yourself up about spending time there, it’s fuelling you with conversation and ideas.

  5. Scheduled pockets of calm through the day & get your phrases ready

    The Valleys Human Design environment type is all about peace and calm. Have you ever seen a chaotic valley? No, I thought not. It’s serene and stable and just chill. BUT when a Valleys person lives in an environment that isn’t any of those things, or works in that environment, they will flip into their not self theme, in my case anger, pretty damn quick. So, in your survival kit, for heavens sake learn how to say ‘no’ to create pockets of calm through the day. Those pockets are so important to you.

    When I worked in an office, I would usually, 2-3 times per day, go for a little wander to watch the rowers and paddlers on the lake. I can’t tell you how Valleys this is, and I couldn’t understand why everyone didn’t do it. The scenery of the regatta lake, the trees, the conversations as people walked past, just instantly calmed me down. If I hadn’t have scheduled myself in that time each day, or had ‘no’ in my arsenal of words when people wanted things doing yesterday, I wouldn’t have survived as long as I did there.

So yeah, there you have it. My top 5 survival tips for Valleys people in Human Design. The other types are on the blog now too, so have a browse.

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram too here.

human design agony aunt

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Shores Environment Human Design Survival Kit