Lupus Causes: Selena Gomez and the Kitchens Environment

The NHS website states Lupus causes or triggers as potentially being environmental. They list lupus causes as “not fully understood.” but possible causes include:

  • viral infection

  • certain medicines

  • sunlight

  • puberty

  • childbirth

  • menopause

And I’m particularly interested in the last paragraph. “More women than men get lupus, and it's more common in women with an African, Caribbean, Asian or Chinese background.” Now my working theory is that this is all linked to being in the wrong environment. My question would be, are more African, Caribbean, Asian or Chinese women getting Lupus in their home environments, OR, are they getting it in environments where they aren’t native and therefore are in the wrong environments with other environmental stresses impacting their energy body?

Anyway. From my studies with the Human Design bodygraph alongside listening to and following people’s life stories, whether that’s in a 1:1 setting or like here, a celebrity story, I started to notice patterns emerging. And often what I saw with autoimmune disorders such as lupus, were the symptoms began when healing started.

I’m going to use Selena Gomez as an example for possible Lupus causes within the energy body. Because really, we know very little about autoimmune conditions apart from how to suppress the symptoms. For me, I’m interested in what energetically might be causing the body to react in such a way.

lupus causes

Life Story: Selena Gomez and Lupus Causes

Your childhood and your health are linked. We already know that, especially from a mental health perspective. But what if your childhood environment has an impact on your physical health too?

Firstly, this isn’t a chance to enter a state of doom and become a victim. We can’t choose our parents, or our environment. But what we can do as adults is learn about how growing up in an environment that wasn’t suitable for us on a personal level could be impacting our current health today.

And once we’ve done that, we can remedy the situation. Through a whole heap of tools. But first, we need to understand the story and the timeline of that illness. And today I’m going to use Pop Sensation Selena Gomez to do just that.

A similar age to myself but with a very different life and health story, Selena Gomez has been in and out of the public eye through her talents, relationships and health struggles.

Diagnosed with Lupus around the age of 22, and dealing with her own mental health journey as a result of her fame and physical health, her story is an incredibly important one for understanding the Kitchens environment in more detail. So, if you know or live with a Kitchen’s person, this one’s for you. Not sure which environment is correct for you? Download your free Human Design chart here.

If you’re a Kitchens environment, your body thrives in places where you can collaborate and enjoy different ingredients. It’s an environment that brings people together to get messy and collaborative, and is a body that is generally ok with being around some level of drama. UNLESS, that drama is to do with the wellbeing and warmth of their immediate family or community. Someone in their kitchen.

Because the 3 line here is about mixing things together to create something magical, so when the experiment goes wrong, the body really feels it. And it’ll come out in their tonal fixings (mental health or head illnesses for Selena), and undefined centres... for Selena, the Spleen, where she is also designed to be a role model to others.

A kitchens environment body can thrive in healthy chaos. You know, busy, collaborative, messy. But it can’t thrive in unhealthy environments. It’s not getting the nourishment from the kitchen that it needs.

So what’s the story behind her Lupus diagnosis?

An early divorce by her parents (Kitchens and Cave’s body’s will take divorce extra hard, by the way, just something to note if you’re a parent of a Kitchens!). As well as deep financial trouble that became part of her reality as a child. As someone who needed to be fed by light (6 line in her digestion), there was a severe lack of it as a child. During these developmental years her Kitchen was destroyed and her light taken away. Infact, in one interview I did note her say “I was frustrated by my parents not being together and I never saw the light at the end of the tunnel...” which basically sums up a broken Kitchen and a malnourished light digestion. Ouch.

And so aged 22 she was diagnosed with Lupus, an autoimmune condition coming from the spleen centre, and a few years later needed a Kidney transplant.

I’m not going to go into the Kidney transplant separately, but what I will say is this is linked to emotional regulation, and she has an undefined solar plexus with her mind variables on the solar plexus binary. So basically, that’s linked to her mental and emotional health.

But I do want to just touch on a few more things with Lupus.

Linked to the spleen. She has an undefined spleen. When the environment and/or digestion (body variables) go wrong or collapse around the body, the body will signal this through the undefined centres as a way of speaking to you.

But why age 22?

What I find interesting about this timeline, is that it appeared her Lupus symptoms fully kicked in when she was finding her own way to the light. She was developing her own connection to faith rather than following the (Catholic) religion that was passed down to her. She was stepping into the unknown and stepping into her own authority while exploring this relationship to ‘light’ in her digestion.

Now my understanding of autoimmune issues from a holistic perspective is that symptoms begin when the body is starting to HEAL, not when the body is in ‘conflict’ (delve into German New Medicine as a starting point) and that’s why I think this timing is interesting.

It’s the healing that potentially caused the symptoms to show at this point, detailing a childhood of a broken kitchen.

So what does this mean?

That it’s important to look after your environment as best you can before symptoms develop. The greater understanding you can have of your energy body before you hit the trigger point, the easier it will be to look after your wellbeing long term.

The last thing I want to mention about Selena’s chart is the only gate she has in the spleen is gate 50. In the Gene Keys body of work, this signals that this person has the potential to be a ‘victim of environmental disharmony’ and their body could become overloaded in this way...

Yep... spooky. And this is why it’s important to deeply understand what you need from your environment first and foremost!

Want to learn more about patterns of illness and how the bodygraph can help us align to a healthier body and life? Find out more about my free and paid webinars on these topics here.

I use stories to help illustrate the correlation between our current health and our lifestory so far. Follow me on Instagram here, or book a reading here.


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