Shores Environment Human Design Survival Kit

shores environment human design

If you’re a shores environment in human design, then you’re a 6 line colour in your environment variable. You don’t really need to know that, but what it does mean is that all the things we know about a 6 line apply to your environment. That need to be ‘on the roof’ and away from the drama to see perspective. That need to see the long game or the birds eye view of things, people, places, life. That need to be ‘outside’ of the heaviness, to feel light.

So what might that mean when you apply it to your environment?

Let’s have a look at the Shores Environment in Human Design and what you might want to include in your survival kit…

  1. Get a rocking chair

    You need a rocking chair, shores person. Somewhere you can sit and move energy though your body and watch the world go by around you. Rocking chairs for shores environment in human design are a way for them to gain perspective and space, whilst moving emotion and energy through their body. If your rocking chair can face a body of water, even better. You may find yourself rocking even without a chair. Or pacing maybe. That’s a good way for you to move energy through your body, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

  2. Stargazing and moon apps downloaded

    There’s something about the shores environment in human design that’s all about ‘looking up and looking out.’ To something beyond what we see in the material planes of the 1-5 lines. They’re forward looking and forward thinking in this way. So develop your relationship with things above and beyond. Track the moon cycles and download and app to your phone to help you. Take up stargazing and just take a general interest in what’s going on above your head. It’ll open your crown chakra and nourish your energy body as a Shores person. Try it.

  3. Evenings free to chase sunsets

    There’s a relationship with the Shores person to the start and end, the changing of the light, and the sunrise and sunset within the environment variable. They’re sensitive to the light in their environment. So try playing with these as your start and end of the day. Do you need to rise with the sunrise and sleep with the sunset? Do you need to watch them from your rocking chair. Do you need to get close to a body of water to allow you to connect more deeply. How might you work sunrise and sunsets into your day as more of a ritual?

  4. The word ‘no’ to create boundaries

    Boundaries are an important part of this 6 line colour because they’re naturally meant to sit ‘on the outside’ rather than in the thick of something. That means you’re going to have to get used to saying no and setting firm boundaries. You might find your relationship to boundaries is either super strong, or really weak, because this idea of Shores environments using boundaries can be a bit scary. Thing is, if you cross the boundary, that’s it. There’s a cut off. They can’t ‘see beyond it.’ So there’s a natural tentativeness to setting boundaries because they don’t want people to break them. The thing is the right people and right situations will never break your boundaries, because they support and trust you. So consider where your boundaries are leaky. Where do they need firming up? And how can you say ‘no’ more firmly when you need to.

  5. ‘Go to’ bodies of water

    The Shores Environment in Human Design will always be drawn to water. It’s because there’s a need to feel weightless, to feel light. And water provides that when you get in it and when you’re near it. It holds energy, leaving you feeling lighter, and takes away the heaviness of life. Think about when tears leave your body, they’re cleansing you by carrying emotion out of the body. Making it lighter. So what bodies of water are you drawn to. Are you more of a swimming pool or float tank kind of person? Maybe you’re more about natural bodies of water and wild swimming? Or maybe you like to be on the water like in a canoe or on a paddleboard. What’s your relationship like to water? And how can you weave that into your survival kit for when life gets overwhelming?

So yeah, there you have it. My top 5 survival tips for Shores Environment in Human Design. Browse the blog for the other environment types to compare and contrast. Have fun!

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram too here.


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Valleys Human Design Survival Kit


Markets Environment Human Design: Survival Kit