Human Design Energy Types FREE e-book workbook

human design energy types free ebook workbook

Human Design Energy Types FREE e-book workbook here.

When I first began my Human Design experiment in very early 2020, I worked only with energy types. I went to a workshop, I got a flavour for it, and I spend literally a year pondering on what my energy type meant to me and where I was in alignment or out of alignment. And also, how that felt. Just because I was told I was one thing, I wasn’t going to blindly follow it. That said, as soon as I found out I was a manifestor, living the life of a generator, it all started to click slowly… I wasn’t anywhere near in alignment and THAT was where my dissatisfaction was coming from.

At the beginning of my experiment there was very little free information around. Even the basics were padlocked behind pay walls, and it made me feel uncomfortable that people couldn’t get access to the basic information to begin their experiment. To get started they’d need to do a reading with a ‘certified’ reader (I use ‘certified’ because well, there can be an element of snobbery, even in Human Design… which I’m not here for, by the way), or buy video content or sign up for long winded courses. Basically what I’m saying is, it was so inaccessible to working class people, like myself.

Get your Human Design Energy Types FREE e-book workbook here.

Fast forward a few years and there’s more free information out there thank goodness. BUT what I often struggle with with my little appetite digestion (I need simple, like a caveman) that instead of sifting through the information to determine what’s useful to people, many readers just throw the kitchen sink at people and hope something sticks. I’m a big fan of getting the basics right first and moving from solid foundations (I’m a 1/4 profile, go figure). SO, I saw a gap.

Free workbooks that you can work through in your own time to get you started on the basics. And as I saw that gap, I just decided to whip up my manifestor energy and get them launched.

So there’s now no excuses to at least dip your toe in the waters of Human Design. See what it’s all about from the foundations up, and go as far as you want to go with your experiment.

You can find all the free ebooks here. The'y’ll remain free. Please download them, save them, share them, complete them!

You can also find out your energy type here with my free chart reader, which by the way, includes your Chiron placement unlike most other free charts…

And that’s all you need to begin your human design experiment with your energy type. I hope you really get as much out of it as I have!

Ps, If you’re reading this and it still says ‘Becky the Humble Warrior’' I haven’t got round to the rebrand yet… oops!

If you enjoy the content, don’t forget to follow me on Instagram here.


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