Princess Diana’s Human Design Chart… and a note on The Crown
The Crown is back on our TV sets, and I really wanted to share Princess Diana’s Human Design Chart alongside some of the other dynamics in the Royal Family. So, if you’re more into podcasts you can listen to a 35 minute episode on Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed and how their energetic souls came together with their human design charts. You can listen on apple podcast here, or spotify here.
Alternatively, I’ve written a (short!?) blog post about the highlights in each of their chart. I say short… it’s not short. But compared to how much I could have written, it is!
The thing I love most about Human Design is that even if you don’t know the person, when you’re reading their chart you see their soul. You see them for the energy they are, not how they present in front of you.
Princess Diana Human Design Chart
Chart from Genetic Matrix
Emotional Projector. Normally at this point I’d go into all the information about being a Projector. I’m not going to do that today. There’s so much more I want to talk about with this chart knowing how the story ended. What I think is important to understand is that Projectors are wise. They have a naturally wisdom within them. And when they’re not heard, or their wisdom is brushed aside, they don’t recover well. Bitterness creeps in, and they will often retreat back into themselves.
1/3 Profile. An intrapersonal profile, meaning everything they needed to experience life lay within their own grasp. She didn’t need other people to complete her in that way, she had everything she needed inside. There’s a natural stability to the 1 line, they really need security and foundations underneath them. And then coupled with the 3 line, the experimenter in life. This is a profile that learns and experiments, learns and experiments. The difference is when you’re the Princess of Wales, you don’t have the opportunity to get those experiments wrong without all eyes peering in.
Projector bitterness. If you ever need an example of a Projector in their not self (unaligned), take a look at Diana’s newsnight interview and f*&k you dress. THAT is Projector bitterness through the lens of an undefined throat if ever I saw it!
Definition in her crown, third eye, heart (ego), emotional solar plexus, root. I did have to laugh out loud when I saw Diana wore the defined crown. OF COURSE she did. And as a side note, Charles doesn’t have the defined crown… no wonder there was a sense of threat. A defined heart and a defined crown? THAT’S PURE POWER! Powerful heart, powerful head.
Undefined in her throat, G centre, sacral, spleen. I have spoken about these a bit on the Podcast, but one thing I really wanted to point out was the undefined throat. The undefined throat has the ability to speak powerfully on behalf of others, which is beautifully illustrated by Diana as she spoke so well on behalf of her charities and raised awareness for causes close to her heart. And the only gate she has in her throat is Gate 23, which really is the gate of ‘speaking the truth.’ So the only time she would have really felt pushed to speak about herself, would have been around elements of truth telling. Which probably helps understand another angle of why she really felt like the Newsnight interview was a good move for her. Speaking the truth was important, even in a closed off institution.
Her Caves environment was so obvious, and so tragically sad. I mentioned recently how many celebrities who had similar turbulent lives in the spotlight were, infact, Caves people. Caves people have a real need for safety. This isn’t a request, its a need. To survive, and to really connect to their own intuition and wisdom, they need safety. They need people to have limited access to them, one contact point perhaps. They need people to give them space. They have a real need for privacy. It’s paramount to their safety. When a Caves person can’t access safety, they loose touch with what’s important to them and how their intuition speaks to them (in Diana’s case, her emotions). Not having access to your intuition in that way doesn’t make for sound decision making. And well, we know how the story ended.
Now normally I’d be really focusing on some of these pretty interesting points above, as actually, many of them are still quite juicy. I am going to talk about the open spleen in a bit more detail when we layer the chart with Dodi, but actually what I really want to speak about with Diana is more of the astrology side.
Design Sun in Gate 21. The gate of the Huntress. Eek! The design sun in your chart illustrates what the world sees you shining a light on. What you’re here to shine a light on. For Diana, this was in the gate of the Huntress. Diana, a Princess, named after the Roman goddess of the hunt, was born with the Gate 21 of the huntress in her blood. It wasn’t just her namesake, it was written in the stars! Now the shadow side to this is if you’re not the huntress, you’re the hunted…
Saturn highlighting Gate 60, the gate of limitations. Double eek! Saturn is the planet of structure, discipline and (often) one of our biggest challenges or hurdles to overcome in life. When we hit 29 years old ish, we hit our Saturn Returns. This is a point when Saturn returns to the place it was in our birth chart and often sends us a few life challenges to overcome along the theme of our gate placements. Gate 60 is the gate of limitations. It’s about understanding the limits, seeing the limits, and either working with the limits or breaking the limits free. When you consider Diana’s life and path, and how she challenged the limits of the royal family, this is an incredible story playing out.
Staying with the theme of Saturn, when Diana died aged 36, her Saturn placement was just beginning the next cycle. Coming into what we call the Saturn square. It’s when the new journey really begins again. The fact that Saturn would have been starting to teach her about limitations again, which limits you can push, and which limits you are bound by, is… well, it gives me shudders.
Mercury, the great teacher, sat in Gate 15… the gate of the extreme and wild heart. Triple eek! Our Mercury placement in our chart is what we’re here to teach the world. For Diana, Gate 15 speaks of the gate of extremes. She was here to teach us about the extremes of life, of the rhythm of life and of the heart.
Her Pluto placement was in Gate 40, the gate of Aloneness. In the traditional iching this gate speaks of forgiveness, forgetting and moving on. Pluto is the planet of endings and beginnings, of death and rebirth. Ok I’m outta eeks.
Coupled with this Saturn Return interest, she was also, when she passed, on a Jupiter Return, which for her was around Gate 41, the gate of contraction or ‘decreasing.’ Jupiter, linked to abundance, family, blessings. And hers sat in 41, literally highlighting the shadow element of the gate, fading away.
For me within Diana’s chart there was just too much of the astrology to not mention. I could go on, actually all of her placements held some sort of significance when you look at her life. But these were some of the highlights for me that I feel, really give you a better understanding of her soul, not the person who the media tried to portray.
Dodi Fayed Human Design Chart
Chart from Genetic Matrix
Pure Manifesting Generator. Again like Diana’s chart, I’m not too interested in his energy type today. Often I really get into this piece of information but actually, there’s so much more to say that I’m just going to leave it at that. Multi faceted, multiple interests, with a strong gut instinct when he could tune in.
4/1 profile, also known as ‘the bonus life,’ aka a karma free profile. Here for the ride. It’s not a super common profile type, the 4/1. It’s referred to as the bonus life because anyone born with this profile is said to not carry any of the heavy karma of life, whether that’s personal or collective karma. They have a karmic free ride. I’m not sure how true that would be of Dodi’s life, especially looking at that dynamic with their father, but it’s worth a mention.
Now for the good stuff… Mercury placement in Gate 51, shock. Let’s remember Mercury is our teacher. And Dodi was here to teach us and communicate to us about shock and surprise. He was here to teach the world about shock. Let that sink in.
Design sun was in gate 60, so he was here to shine a light on limitations. Together him and Diana were a catalyst for teaching, sorry no, showing the world infact, about limitations. Limitations of life, of roles, of families, of this ‘game of life’ they had to play. Part of their life purpose together was to really emphasize limitations. How people saw limitations. Their perspectives of limits.
Outer vision was his strongest sense. Basically, it was really important to him how things looked. Whether that was aesthetically or for example, how things were reported. How they LOOKED. And he was a film director. Even his job was literally about how things looked to people.
And at his death, he was aged 42 which would have been around what we’d term a Pluto square. Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, was beginning to really get kick started on his chart, but it malfunctioned. Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, was here to create endings and beginnings around gate 4, ‘the unknown’ and gate 29, ‘dangerous depths’ within the iching. “Those who respond to dangerous conditions most effectively are those who can establish an inner bubble of calm in the midst of chaos.” Quote form
Interesting highlights when the charts come together
Their aligned environments are opposites. Diana, Caves, when feeling threatened, flees to the Mountains. And Dodi, Mountains, when threatening or unaligned hides in the Cave. They are the opposites of each other and therefore have something that each other needs for a sense of safety and alignment.
For me this last highlight is spooky. When you layer up a chart in a relationship or friendship you see the areas where that couple are most vulnerable. The only centre those two had open when you layer the charts was the spleen. The spleen is the survival centre. And out of all the gates, the only two they had open, were gate 28 and 18. Why is this so spooky? What this pairing tells us, is that together, their BIGGEST vulnerabilities were corruption (gate 18), and game playing (gate 28). I can’t even get over how spooky that is knowing how the story ended on that fateful day in Paris, 1997.
So, those are my personal highlights and reflections from watching The Crown and how this final series has played out. I will be recording a second part to the podcast to include the wider Royal Family, but for now, you can listen to the Diana and Dodi episode on Spotify or Apple Podcast.
Find that interesting? The thing with Human Design is that this is an experiment. HD is the experiment, and life is the playing field. So whilst it’s not a tool for prediction, we can get an incredible sense of a person and how we can play with life, whilst also watching it play out. It’s empowering, and a great tool to keep yourself present and aligned in actually what you enjoy in life. I love it! I’m open for readings if you want to delve more into your own chart, just head to the schedule and check out my availability :)
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Private 1:1 readings are available via Zoom for clients in the UK, Europe, USA and Australia. Times listed on the calendar will be in the UK as I read from my home in rural Nottinghamshire. All sessions are recorded and can be watched back at anytime. And sessions can either be straight up Human Design, or you can combine astrology for a Soul Path or Year Ahead reading to understand the cycles, patterns and challenges you’re currently facing.
Life is a series of opportunities to grow. And your soul is here to grow… it’s time to listen to it.