5 Common Myths of Human Design Energy Types

human design energy types

I see many common mistakes when people start their Human Design energy types journey. People walk straight into the myths of human design energy types without realising that this is an experiment. It’s there to be played with, not left unchallenged.

The first mistake I see is getting obsessed with learning everything about their human design energy type.

Sounds great? Well the problem is Human Design is an experiment of living life. So by just learning all about your design your life doesn’t change. You’re ‘thinking’ about change but there’s no action there.

For life to become more aligned, more peaceful, more satisfying, more inspiring, you actually have to do things different. And THAT’S where Human Design comes alive. It gives you a roadmap as to ‘how’ to do things differently.

With that in mind, I’ve pulled together 5 of the most common ‘myths’ of your human design energy type to help you actually apply some of the knowledge you might have learnt as you scratched the surface of Human Design. These myths are based on the most common questions I stumble across when people have learnt Human Design but taken it a bit too literally…

MYTH ONE: “I’m a generator so I’m just a worker bee. I’m here to work?”

NOPE! It’s true that you’ve got ample energy to be able to work a full day, BUT that’s only if the work you’re doing is satisfying you. If you’re not being satisfied at work, you’re being malnourished. The next ‘opportunities’ to move your life forwards won’t come in for you to respond to because you’re too depleted to notice them, let alone act on them. The solution is to begin living from your body. Notice what’s trying to get your attention from your body, not your head. What’s making you giddy with excitement? What’s really lighting you up and filling you with nourishment? That’s your clue as to what to explore next.

MYTH TWO: “I’m a Manifesting Generator so I’m meant to always flit between different things.”

Nope. Whilst it’s true MG’s will pick things up and drop them quickly when they figure out it’s not for them, this can also sometimes be a self sabotage technique for MGs. So the next time you start something and you begin to run out of steam, just be a little bit inquisitive. Are you actually just not interested anymore, or has the self-sabotage fear come creeping in to stop you from breaking into that ‘next level’ with your idea. The Manifestor part of this energy can be quite disruptive and will push you up against different challenges to navigate, so just be aware of why you’re suddenly not interested. Is it because the gut or the emotions just aren’t invested (in which case, drop it), or is it coming from fear of actually achieving your dream (in which case, push through!)

MYTH THREE: “I’m a Manifestor so every urge to create is one of the go with.”

Noooo, you’re a Manifestor so your energy is powerful when it’s put behind the right things. Your energy is designed to work in surges and urges. The tide comes in, the tide goes out. Start to notice whether you’re in a ‘surge’ cycle or whether you need to go through a rest cycle to re-gather your inspiration and ideas and motivation. Whilst I’m on that note, if you’ve been in a rest cycle for a while, check in with whether you’re in the right place, space or with the right people. If you’re not being fed with ideas or inspired by the places you operate in, you’re getting creatively malnourished and it’s time to move.

MYTH FOUR: “I’m a Projector so I need to sit back and wait for people to ‘invite me’ to things.”

Nope. The other part of being a Projector is being honest with which invitations you’re open to. People aren’t mind readers, they can’t send you the invitations that are aligned for you without first knowing what you’re interested in and what lights you up. Projectors can be secretive souls, and it can damage the invitations that they get. No one knows anything about them, so they hold back on inviting them to things that would actually be so aligned! So practice being a bit more open and a little less guarded. Let people in every once in a while. Be OPEN to invitations coming in.

MYTH FIVE: “I’m a reflector so I can’t be around people much - they just drain my energy.”

Nope. Reflectors, you are here to show us how to consciously create a network and environment that works for you. You’re here to show us how to set boundaries and how you can thrive when you’re aware of the ways you’re leaking energy without receiving. This is why reflectors need to be placed in a community, so they can mirror that back to us and help us understand what that looks like in a way that celebrates giving and receiving.

Have a think about the energy type you are and how you can weave some of those Myth Busters into your work or personal life this week. I promise with every little bit of Human Design that you integrate (not learn, integrate), life gets a little bit easier to navigate.

Becky x

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