Caves Human Design Survival Kit

caves human design variable

Caves Human Design variable sits under the environment lens. Now, what this essentially means is that Caves is your environment to thrive in. However, we often think about environments as just being somewhere we go, rather than thinking about how we can create them. It’s not just about going to sit in a Cave (although you lot would probably love that!) It’s about creating the Caves human design environment within and around you on an every day level to help you thrive through life.

So if your environment is Caves, how on earth can you weave that into every day life to create a survival kit? Let’s have a look…

  1. Weighted blanket

    A weighted blanket is one of the best things I can suggest for Caves Human Design people to work that feeling of caves into every day life. The thing about this environment type is it’s ALL about safety. It’s all about creating safety around you. And weighted blankets are one of the best ways to weave this feeling of safety into everyday environments. It feels like they’re giving you a big hug and keeping you safe, and is especially useful when you’re feeling anxious or just a bit unsafe in your surroundings. My personal favourite is the Aeyla, but there are loads on the market for all budgets and weights.

  2. Hooded clothing… and lots of hoodies!

    What’s the best way you can create a feeling of a cave every day? 100% and oversized hoody. Something comfy and cosy that you can sling on, put the oversized hood up, and be in darkness with yourself for a few moments, or as you head to the shops. This is GENIUS for Caves people who feel like they need to retreat but haven’t got somewhere they can go. So, a wardrobe full of hoodies is going to be your thing… you can thank me later!

  3. Warm/yellow light bulbs, fairy lights, mood lights and iphone dark mode…

    Caves people, you need to make your house dark, moody, atmospheric… and bring that into your phone settings as well! I don’t know about other phones, but iphones has a dark mode, where you can change the background of apps, websites, emails, etc to grey/black rather than white/black and honestly, it makes it feel so much less intense. So get on that. Then around you, make sure you’re making safe and warm choices around the house. Get the yellow bulbs rather than the migraine inducing white ones… put some fairy lights up in the windows and have as many lamps around you as you like. Also… lumi lamps - those sunrise lamps. Beautiful for creating a sunset in the evening to wind you down for sleeping, and very Caves/Shores.

  4. Soothe your nervous system in the car… or toilet cubicle?!

    The thing about caves is you need to be able to go in somewhere where you can lock the door and feel safe. Your car will become your best friend for creating that space of safety to be able to retreat to. I know Caves people who will sit in the car for time alone, rather than go on a walk. An ex boyfriend used to do the same… if I’d have known about Caves human design variables I’d have maybe understood that habit a little bit more! But anyway, if you don’t have a car, think about other places where you can go in and lock the door when you need to. Toilet cublicles came to mind instantly, and they’re usually pretty dark as well. Ok not so hygienic but… think about your daily routine. Where can you create little ‘safe spaces’ to retreat too when things get a bit much?

  5. Travel with an eye mask

    This survival kit purchase is really best used on the go. So whenever you’re travelling, Valleys people will need earplugs, and caves people will need an eye mask. Create your own dark space on the go and have an internal space to retreat to when the outside world seems too intense.

So, there you have it. My top 5 survival tips for Caves people in Human Design. You can find the other environment types now on the blog too.

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram too here.

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