Projector Human Design

projector human design

I grew up in a house full of Projectors in Human Design. My mum, dad, and middle brother are all projectors and honestly, it was one of the calmest, most stable households I could have asked for growing up. The only ‘defined sacral’ in our house was my youngest brother, who’s a generator, and boy could we all tell! Being the one defined sacral amongst four undefined sacrals must have been tough. And hilariously, he was the only one who would go WILD if he had too much sugar… funny.

Anyway, if you’re a projector in Human Design, welcome! You’re in good company here…

Famous Projectors: Princess Diana, Salvador Dali, Barrack Obama, Marilyn Monroe

Key Facts

20% of the world now are projectors

BACKGROUND: They're a new breed! In 1781 we as a collective went from being saturnian beings to uranian beings when Uranus was discovered. Because of the length of the cycle that Uranus takes to circle the sun (84 years), at this point spiritually we entered a new era of longer living and awareness. And in 1615 we collectively entered a new karmic cycle.Our previous cycle was about learning the rules of this planet we live on, about survival, food, viruses, travel, communication. We entered a new cycle which we are in until 2027 which is looking at what we individually and collectively wanted to build with our lives here on planet earth.

This background is helpful to understand why projectors only came into existence in 1781. They only came into existence when there was a purpose and a need for them. A projector wouldn't have been much use in survival mode because of the pace at which they are designed to work and live.

They are completely different from the energy types we've already looked at. M, MG and G are here to do things that light them up in some way to add to the collective energy field. Projectors are not here to add to the collective energy pot. They're here to tweak, transmute and edit the things that already exist, not generate or create new! They are what are known as 'non energy beings.'

Who they are in society: usually good at fixing things and problem solving. Finding more streamlined ways of doing something. Strategists. They oversee a lot of life and will often find themselves as wise counsel to friends and family, wisdom keepers, advisors and seers.

As a Projector in Human Design you need to understand…

You are not here to generate or create energy. You are here to work with what is already here and make it better, more streamlined, more attractive, more suitable...

You are here to see and not to do. You see things that others don't. You see the world in a different way to most, and you will see solutions to problems before others.

You will be relied upon for guidance and wisdom.

Your strategy is to wait for an invitation; so don't share your thoughts without being asked or being energetically welcomed. This is because the other person who you are engaged with may not be energetically ready for what you have to offer, and if they reject what you're saying this can leave you in your not self theme. Conserve your energy and wait for people to ask in some way.

The other side to your strategy is to be OPEN to what invitations you want to accept. I tend to find Projectors can be a bit secretive and hold their cards close to their chest. By being a bit more open, people will understand a little bit more about you and be able to give you the invitations you want and need!

Your not self theme is bitterness. Your self theme is success.

It's important for you to indulge in your learning and delve deeper into things that come easily to you. This is your way of interacting with the universe. The universe will then start to drop more of those nuggets or carrots into your path to follow.

You are only energetically built to work 2-3 hours per day. By this we mean you should only be using your energy to ‘GIVE’ for this amount of time per day, and it is approximate, it will depend on whether you’re an energy projector (you have a motor centre or two), or whether you’re a non energy projector (you have no motors). So you should only be sharing, guiding, tweaking or presenting for this amount of time per day. Be mindful of this when planning meetings, booking clients, spending time with friends, etc. The rest of your time should be spent investing in your learning, researching, curating and observing so you can keep cultivating your guidance and wisdom.

You are good at working with processes, systems, efficiency and the inner workings of things.

You need lots of space and rest through the day for the universe to drop in ways to communicate with you.

You work well in 1:1 and tailored situations because your aura is more penetrative. Your words will be felt and absorbed by people around you.

Projectors really are here to be the new style of leader. One that focusses on efficiency and fairness for everyone. You will see this creeping into society; a push for shorter working weeks, a drive towards getting people to love their jobs, better conditions... etc

Common Conditioning with Projector Human Design Energy Types

You have been told that you should have to work hard at things to be successful.

You have been told that working 9-5 is the only way to get things done, earn money and be worthy of success.

You have been told you should always be 'pushing for what you want' and you need to always be making or creating. Wrong, you're not a M or MG, you are here to work with what has already been created.

Projectors, remember to…

Evaluate your daily patterns.

How can you prioritise rest, learning, observing and experiencing more.

Begin noticing when people are open or closed to your wisdom. Practice your strategy of 'waiting for an invitation' in smaller situations with people you know to practice, for example with family, friends or close work colleagues and begin to trust the strategy.

Your key to life is to delve into the things that come easily to you. Don't push against that.

Start to trust and believe in the life you are designed to live and enjoy embracing that change.

Journal Prompts

How much of your day is taken up by sharing, guiding, tweaking and presenting?

How can you make sure your day consists of more introverted time vs extroverted time?

Where are you slipping into habits of creating and forcing?

What sort of processes, systems and tweaking interest you, or do you find easy?

Are you creating enough time to observe and learn?

Enjoy the read? Follow me on Instagram here.

And don’t forget to download the FREE Projector Human Design ebook. Grab it here.


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Reflector Human Design


Generator Human Design