Mountains Human Design Survival Kit

Ah Mountains Human Design variable. Let me tell you, I grew up around mountains folk. My dad and I were both Valleys, but my brothers and mum were Mountains. And with most of the energy in the house being non-sacral (manifestor - me, projectors x 3 and a lone generator), let me tell you, our household was like an oasis most of the time. When I reflect back, I can’t believe how different our house was compared to a lot of my now friends, but when I look at the charts, I can 100% see why.

So yeah, Mountains Human Design variables do have a very special place in my heart.

One thing I can really remember is particularly my brothers, would spend a lot of time in their rooms. One brother in particular would come home from school, head up to his room, which was on the upstairs floor, look out the window into the garden and tall trees around that area, and play his guitar for HOURS. The amount of time he’d spend on his own was probably quite different to a lot of kids. But to us, it was all very normal, very mountains!

My other brother, even though a generator, would still spend a lot of time in his room watching tv. Again, another room that had plenty of trees around it. And my mum would often stand upstairs for a few minutes of peace, looking out the window, over onto the Derbyshire Dales and Crich stand, admiring the view. Very mountains. So yeah… on reflection, I have a lot of love for the mountains human design variable!

So what would i put in your survival kit? These are my top suggestions for living as a mountains person in everyday life…

  1. Fresh air time

    Sounds obvious, but my TOP TIP for mountains is to take regular breaks, especially if you work in an office, and go outside. If you’re living in a city, this might be quite difficult to get actual fresh air, so make regular trips to the park or square gardens to be around more oxygen rich environments. The connection between mountains and air/breath is really obvious when you think about it. Someone living in the literal mountains has incredible access to high quality air as part of their daily life. And that leads me to my second suggestion.

  2. Develop ‘go to’ breathwork practices

    I’m not saying you need to go all Wim Hoff on us, but having a strong breath connection is going to be important. This is because the mountains person can be susceptable to overbreathing, or mouth breathing. What this can cause is weakened throat muscles leading to snoring, sleep apnea, and just noisy breathing in general. Nasal breathing techniques daily can be super helpful, as can regular diaphragmatic singing. And if you’re wanting the science, I can highly recommend ‘Oxygen Advantage,’ and there’s a book by the founder available too. So find a way of weaving in this technique to your daily life to be able to connect more deeply to your breath.

  3. Candles, oil burners and essential oils

    Mountains human design variable… all about breath, all about nose, and therefore all about smells. Find ways you can bring smells into your environment to encourage breathing through the nose. Think about roller ball essential oils, herbal infusion drinks where you can inhale the steam, oil burners or humidifiers and candles. Anything where you can feel, smell or watch the smoke rise is going to also be super calming.

  4. Playlist of ‘mountains’ music

    When I think about mountains music, I instantly think about native american flutes. When you think about them you get the sound of the fire crackling, the crispness of the air, the smell of the rising smoke and the space away from people. Seriously, use your playlists function to create a mountains playlist. What do the mountains remind you of? How does that come through in music? Start with native american flutes and see where you end up…

  5. Smudge and smoke will be your friend

    Now, I’m not advocating you take up smoking, but think about ways you can weave smoke rituals into your daily life. Mountains Human Design variables will love to sit and watch the smoke rise, so maybe consider your mindfulness or meditation ritual - how can I watch smoke or smudge. Think about the herbs that are local to you, maybe even growing in your garden, and create a smudge stick to use around your house. Even things like your morning coffee, how can you create a mindful moment out of watching the steam rise? You want to be thinking about the air, about the movement of the air, and how you can use this to create a calming ritual through the day.

So, there you have it. My top 5 survival tips for Mountains people in Human Design. I will get around to doing the other types soon, but in the meantime, Mountains… enjoy your space, smoke and breath!

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram too here.

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Kitchens Environment Human Design Survival Kit


Reflector Human Design