Full Moon Yoga Savasana Poem

Full Moon Yoga Savasana Poem.png

It’s always nice to end a full moon yoga class with a savasana poem. This is a poem I wrote for a full moon class towards the beginning of the year, and have used it a few times since.

Please feel free to use the poem with credit in your classes.

Full Moon Yoga Savasana Poem

A break in the clouds of a dark blue sky,

The moon shines brightly through.

With unseen powers; untold wisdom she showers,

It beams its light on you.

With hundreds of years of experience to share,

She waits to be received. 

Charged by the light of a thousand stars,

Her knowledge should be believed. 

Her imperfections in the illuminate light,

Are there for all to see.

Those marks of a life far away from us here,

She still shines light on you and on me. 

Her power is way beyond what we could perceive, 

A controller of the sea far and wide. 

But she doesn’t ask for much, nor gratitude as such,

Just happy to go along for the ride.

Always present, never willing to rest up for a while,

She tries to make us see.

That even when parts of us are hidden or missing,

We’re capable; we can just be. 

So as we sit under this full moon tonight,

Give thanks to our guardian of the night sky.

For she’s graceful and believing, wisdom for receiving,

And without her none of us could get by. 

Savasana Poem By Rebecca Lovatt 

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