A Conversation with the Moon | Savasana Poem
Moon Yoga Class Savasana Poem | Savasana poems are the perfect way to start or finish a session, depending on the type of session you are running.
“A Conversation with the Moon”
The following poem is a message from the moon,
That heavenly maiden of the night sky.
She wanted to send a message to earth,
To help all of you to get by.
Her rhyme is a reflection of what she does now,
As she changes daily in the night air.
So listen as she speaks her wisdom out loud,
And imagine your conversion with her.
She said… “It’s ok to go within, I do it all the time,
“Some days you might need to withdraw.
“But the next day you’ll come back even stronger,
“And want to shine a fresh light on us all.”
“We can’t be everything to everyone, all of the time,
“And expect to shine bright day and night.
“Some days we need to step back into darkness
“And feed our inner candle, our burning light.
She said… “Somedays you might feel neither here nor there
“You’re existing but just about getting by
“Nothing sparkly or joyous or special or rare
“Just present and going along for the ride.
“Then there might be the days where you’re full of energy,
“And using yourself to light up others
“Those are the days to let your light shine
“Don’t reign it in on behalf of offending another.
“Some days you’ll be high, some days you’ll be low,
“Some days you’ll be somewhere just floating
“Embrace all the changes as you journey along,
“Become an observer to prevent from exploding!”
She said… “You’re here just like me to share your own wisdom,
“To speak your truth and stand up for beliefs,
“So don’t let the heavy days grind you down,
“When those days come turn over a new leaf.”
And with that the moon disappeared from sight
To concentrate on herself for a while
And now every time you look up to the sky
Remember this conversation with the moon and smile
By Rebecca Lovatt
Instagram: @becky_thw
Enjoy this Moon Yoga Class Savasana Poem? Find more savasana poems written by Rebecca Lovatt (aka The Humble Warrior) here.