Elle MacPherson Human Design: Breast Cancer within the undefined centres

Elle MacPherson Human Design Breast Cancer

So here we are again. Another celebrity being open and honest with their health diagnosis. This time ‘the body’ Elle MacPherson finds herself in the spotlight after revealing she is cancer free after refusing chemotherapy. Good for her.

It makes me incredibly sad to see the shame and judgement that surrounds cancer diagnosis and treatment. There is no one size fits all. But what I hear time and time again is that when people are diagnosed with cancer they are forced down a path of harsh treatment without being given a fully autonomous and holistic choice of treatment. It’s like a conveyer belt. No time to discuss, no time to question, no time to assess your options. This Doctor who’s met you once or twice has all the power over what treatment you receive, despite not knowing your story or your background, or having any time to investigate what might be going on on a wider scale. And this makes me sad. We’re not giving people choice, and when someone does decide to question the norm, they face enormous shame and judgement, and are discouraged from listening to their own body and intuition. They’re discouraged from trusting their own body and it’s ability to heal. And that in itself is a harmful narrative.

As we can see from human design, each individual body, PERSON, has a completely different need. Completely different energy body. Completely different circuit. And yet, when people take a decision to do things their way, they’re named, shamed, judged and labelled as dangerous. Instead of saying ‘good for you, I’m glad that choice worked out and I’m so pleased to see you’re well, Elle.’ We seem to be unable to hold duality as a species. Another problem rising to the surface.

My big question is, why has this triggered so many media outlets and scientists? What are they hiding? What do they not want people to know and see? You still have the choice of which treatment to take, so why does one persons choice trigger you, when it doesn’t affect your own choice? Something to sit with.

Anyway, back to Elle.

For me, this is a pretty clearcut case. As most cancers seem to be from a purely energetic perspective.

Cancer growing in an undefined centre, where our energy bodies are SPONGES to the world around us.

And the timeline?

Adds up completely.

Diagnosed in 2017 when she had a lump removed from her breast that was indeed confirmed as breast cancer. At this point she declined chemo, and opted for a ‘holistic approach.’ When I dug into this, it looked like a combination of therapy, meditation, mindfulness, energy healing, plant medicines… you know, everything that brings us together and connects us to each and the land. Not really that ‘out there’ at all unless you’re completely disconnected from nature… I digress.

She revealed she underwent this treatment for 8 months in Arizona. But only this year in 2024 (during her second Saturn return - hello shaking up those foundations) admitted she was in remission. So whether she was cancer free after a year or 7 years is slightly unclear, but either way, she’s in remission now which is fantastic news.

The reason why I say this appears to be a clear cut case of cancer in an undefined centre, is because as you’ll see from the chart, both her ‘heart sponges’ - her ego and her G centre, are undefined. That leaves her heart physically vulnerable to the people, places and environments she is around. Her healing environment of Valleys sounds exactly right in the Arizona centre where she visited, a well aligned choice for a Valleys girl!

But the real gold dust for me always comes from the timeline. It seals the deal really.

If she was diagnosed in 2017, what was happening with her:

  • Love life

  • Personal love / self love and

  • Love in her environment

In the years before 2017…

Well, we know that in 2017 she ended her marriage to Jeffrey Soffer, which by all means sounded like a chaotic relationship of on again, off again. There were also reports at the time that one of the reasons for the marriage failing was due to Elle feeling trapped as a mother, and a suspicion of Jeffrey engaging in affair(s). Well… that makes sense.

Her love life was crumbling. The self love she felt was at an all time low feeling isolated and alone as a mother. And there was a complete lack of love in her environment. Is there any wonder she developed cancer in the love centre when she left the situation?

The interesting thing I often observe with cancer, and indeed any illness from an energetic perspective, is that the ‘illness’ develops when the threat is passed. So once our bodies come out of the dysregulation and into a state of regulation and our nervous system begins to sense safety, it’s THEN that the illness presents itself. Because it’s safe for that energy to be acknowledged, accepted and released.

For me, this is why cancer, and all illness, needs to have a holistic element. If we don’t address the stories that sit behind the diagnosis, we leave people vulnerable to further illnesses developing, and for me, when we know that emotions and stories and beliefs have a physical impact on our health, that’s at best ignorant, at worst completely dangerous. And they call Elle the quack…

The final point which is important for me here, is the timing astrologically. Elle talks about this as her second Saturn returns comes to a close. Her Saturn being in Pisces, a sign of closure and endings, subconscious and unseen realms coming to the surface. And a time when we have a retrograding Saturn in Pisces collectively. Like we’re going back over old ground to release the truth. We’ll see a lot more of this happening as we move through this month… And her Saturn sits in the 10th house, a natural place for it to be, relating to the masculine or father line in vedic astrology, and her fame and reputation. You’re right on time, Elle.

Over and out x

If you would like to explore the stories and beliefs around a passed illness from the perspective of Human Design, my booking calendar is currently open and taking one off bookings. Click here for more info <3

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