Alternative Healing: Fertility Issues with Sound Healing

Sound healing for fertility issues

Stress goes far beyond how busy you are at work. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that emotional and mental stress in the body is a major contributing factor to the fertility issues you may be facing.

Our bodies hold emotional trauma, and this can be both ‘irrational’ in your view, and often subconscious... which means modalities like sound healing need to address those patterns and beliefs you’re holding, not what your mind is thinking.

Did you know? Sound baths help process long-held emotional stress through activation of the amygdala, the part of the brain that processes emotions. This might be stress from work, upbringing, trauma, ancestral... we’re water. Water is the carrier and storer of emotions, and it makes emotional health incredibly important when looking to conceive a child.

Emotional processing, alongside the gentle vibrational waves from the bowls moving through the water body, help shift emotions held in the body for them to be processed by the brain. Once processed, the emotion can leave the body, giving it a gentle ‘wash’ everytime you attend. Perfect for short term and long term emotions held within the system, which you might not even know you carry with you.

Sound healing works by reconnecting you back to your body, promoting deep rest, helping release stuck emotions (sometimes from many, many years ago!), and creating a safe space for the body to begin healing itself...

Because our bodies are clever, and they are set up to self heal. We just have forgotten how to do it <3

Understanding your bodies emotions in relation to fertility issues

Fertility issues - these are complicated. Outside of the normal tests you’ll receive, these are some of the emotional considerations I experience with clients that may need clearing from the body. Fertility issues can be from your own experiences, or from parents and generations before you... I always encourage women especially to connect back to their maternal line and clear any emotions that were never dealt with, for example, child loss in a parent or grandparent.

Some personal things to consider might also be:

  • Do you subconsciously (not rationally) fear losing your freedom when you become a parent?

  • Do you subconsciously feel like you’re not ready to be a parent, feel unsupported in some way, or don’t trust your body to keep you and your baby safe?

  • Are there any issues from your own childhood that you fear repeating?

Our emotions, traumas and beliefs shape our reality. And our reality shapes our beliefs. It can be a catch 22, which is why most people need a pattern breaker to enter their lives. Someone to listen, acknowledge, witness and repair your sense of trust. Sometimes we really need a safe space to be able to talk these things through and release them in a supportive, non judgemental environment.

Sound healing is a safe way to explore these emotions that have been stored for many years as you reconnect back with the wisdom of your body and what it’s been screaming at you to be acknowledged.

Benefits of sound healing for fertility issues

  • Space to reflect and process the emotional tide and triggers that have risen on your conception journey

  • Re-connecting back to the body and finding trust, something we are so often disconnected from as we’re taught to rely on other people to keep us safe, rather than ourselves...

  • Reduced inflammation in the body through access to different brainwave states, taking the body into a self healing state

  • Improved sleep health to help the body self-heal and repair, releasing pressure on the situation too

  • Emotional processing to release held trauma in the body

  • Vibrational healing through sound and frequency to return the body to optimal tuning (just like an instrument!)

  • Increased self awareness to understand and appreciate your body and tap into self healing practices such as belief coding and deep relaxation

What happens in a session?

Each session is completely tailored to you and your journey. Generally, we begin with a chat over a drink to assess how you’re feeling, where you’re at, and what your intention is for the session.

We will then discuss the importance of understanding our emotional state and emotional stories or traumas when dealing with the situation you’re experiencing. For example we might explore body trust issues, health and expectation fears and long held beliefs around the wisdom your body holds. We will then put simple techniques in place to help start changing core beliefs.

From there you will enjoy guided meditation to connect back to the wisdom of your body and tune in to what it needs from you today. We will then develop a meditation using the healing rays or inner child exploration to release patterns keeping you stuck on your healing journey.

You will then be invited to make yourself comfortable and cosy as the session is then all about receiving. Receiving crystalline sound and harmonies from the voice to deeply relax and rest the body to aid self healing and reset your sleep patterns.

The session lasts approximately 1 hour, costs £65, and can be used ad hoc or booked regularly... it’s completely up to you.

Who would sound healing be beneficial for?

Anyone on their fertility journey who is perhaps struggling to conceive naturally. Before beginning your IVF journey, it would be good to explore complimentary therapies like sound healing to address the emotional needs of your body and understanding the impact of stress on your system in this journey.

Where does it take place?

Most sessions take place at your home (I travel across Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and South Yorkshire), but I also have access to rooms in Mansfield Woodhouse and Vale of Belvoir. I will advertise these when I have the dates each month.

How can I book?

All my bookings are available online. Visit to book a slot to suit you.

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