Healing AutoImmune Conditions with Sound Healing

Healing Autoimmune conditions sound healing

Inflammation in the body is a major contributing factor to the symptoms of autoimmune conditions.

But did you know? Just 20 minutes of sound healing can help reduce inflammation in the body through the power of brain entrainment & supportive rest.

Inflammation is exacerbated in our bodies when our nervous system is in fight & flight mode, which most of us don’t recognise we’re in, because it’s ‘normal.’ During this time, adrenaline is released and blood redirected to muscles to keep us safe (for example, so we can run away from danger). The problem is, when too much adrenaline is released over a long period of time, it inflames our body.

And when blood is constantly redirected to muscles, rather than for example, to digestive functions (where it helps digestion when you’re relaxed), damage occurs in a different way, because we’re not supporting the bodies natural functions like we should. A ‘backlog’ happens, for want of a better term, for everything we’re trying to digest, not just food! It means our body isn’t clearing out everything it needs to clear out, and so inflammation occurs when food and emotions become toxic or stale... “festering.”

Sound healing helps train the brain to move between states of alpha, beta, theta and delta, to be able to exercise your nervous system and reduce inflammation naturally.

It works by reconnecting you back to your body, promoting deep rest, helping release stuck emotions (sometimes from many, many years ago!), and creating a safe space for the body to begin healing itself...

Because our bodies are clever, and they are set up to self heal. We just have forgotten how to do it <3

Understanding your emotional symptoms…

Celiac Disease - linked to emotions of sensitivity and irritation. Perhaps lacking in self confidence when setting boundaries and being rigid in thought. What’s been irritating you that you’ve been swallowing down and holding onto?

Crohn’s Disease - linked to constant negative thoughts and self criticism. Synicism and feeling like you need to suppress yourself rather than express. What have you been beating yourself up about?

Sjögren syndrome - linked to resources or love drying up. Or feeling like you’re going to lose what you have. What pool of resources is drying up? How can you create more stability in that area?

Arthritis - linked to holding onto anger from the past or resentment. Carrying grief or shame. Feeling stuck or limited. What are you holding on to that’s hurting you right now?

See a pattern here? Our emotions and beliefs shape our reality. And our reality shapes our beliefs. It can be a catch 22, which is why most people need a pattern breaker to enter their lives. Someone to listen, acknowledge, witness and repair your sense of self. Sometimes we really need a safe space to be able to talk these things through and release them in a supportive, non judgemental environment.

Women are disproportionately affected by autoimmune conditions. Feeling like they need to hold it all together, and their body takes the brunt. Sound healing is a safe way to explore these emotions that have been stored for many years as you reconnect back with the wisdom of your body and what it’s been screaming at you to acknowledge.

Benefits of sound healing for Autoimmune conditions

Space to reflect and process the emotional tide and triggers that led to the development of the condition, releasing frustration, anger and other emotions that fuel inflammation

  • Reduced inflammation in the body through access to different brainwave states, taking the body into a self healing state

  • Improves sleep health to help the body self-heal and repair

  • Emotional processing to release held trauma in the body (causing inflammation)

  • Vibrational healing through sound and frequency to return the body to optimal tuning (just like an instrument!)

  • Increased self awareness to understand and appreciate your body and tap into self healing practices such as belief coding and deep relaxation

What happens in a private session?

Each session is completely tailored to you and your condition. Generally, we begin with a chat over a drink to assess how you’re feeling, where you’re at, and what your intention is for the session.

We will then discuss the importance of understanding our emotional state and emotional stories or traumas when dealing with the condition you’re experiecing. For example for Crohn’s Disease we might explore self belief and the importance of recognising the inner voice and the stories it tells us on a daily basis... exploring whether they’re true or not. And putting simple techniques in place to help start changing core beliefs.

From there you will enjoy guided meditation to connect back to the wisdom of your body and tune in to what it needs from you today. We will then develop a meditation using the healing rays or inner child exploration to release patterns keeping you stuck on your healing journey.

You will then be invited to make yourself comfortable and cosy as the session is then all about receiving. Receiving crystalline sound and harmonies from the voice to deeply relax and rest the body to aid self healing and reset your sleep patterns.

The session lasts approximately 1 hour, costs £65, and can be used ad hoc or booked regularly... it’s completely up to you.

Who would benefit from a sound healing session?

Anyone suffering with an autoimmune condition who is looking to improve their knowledge of emotional triggers for their condition, take a proactive approach to their health and reconnect back with their body when they perhaps feel like it’s letting them down.

Where does it take place?

Most sessions take place at your home (I travel across Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and South Yorkshire), but I also have access to rooms in Mansfield Woodhouse and Vale of Belvoir. I will advertise these when I have the dates each month.

How can I book?

All my bookings are available online. Visit thehumblewarrior.co.uk/private-sound-healing to book a slot to suit you.

Group sessions are also available, check the schedule to find out more.

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