My Story with Cacao | Background to Cacao Ceremony Training

My story really began back in 2017 when heartbreak shook my world and my foundations, leaving me with a dark night of the soul and plenty of wounds to begin to heal. It's not something I talk about often, because honestly, I feel nothing but love for that journey now, but it was a dark time. And a hell of a challenge. My journey with cacao began 3 years later, in 2020, when the world was dark. It felt like the light was being sucked from humanity and our hearts were closing. And despite that, I kept my focus on keeping my heart open. I didn't know why I needed to keep such a clear vision and focus, but I knew I did. Now, in retrospect, it's easy to see... Here I am now, 4 and a half years later, teaching the power of cacao and a heart led practice to other practitioners, space holders and spiritual beings looking to open their heart in a world that continues to challenge our perspective of love, peace and harmony. It's now more important than ever for us to step into a heart-led practice, and I'm ready to help lead us back to the heart through the gateways of fear, emotional baggage, stories and held beliefs. It is only through embracing that darkness that we will find the true light within ourselves.

I hold regular in person cacao trainings in the UK, and you can find them here.

Becky x


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