Deconditioning with Human Design | Shadow Work

You might have heard that you can decondition with human design. But like me, at the start of your journey, REALLY didn’t understand what deconditioning was, or how human design could help.

Did you even know you can undertake deconditioning with human design? Perhaps not!

Really what we’re looking at here is the undefined centres in human design.

Our undefined centres are where we have little of our own energy to ‘cement’ our own actions and beliefs, and so we tend to pick up habits, beliefs and stories from society and families, childhood and friendships, that get stuck in those centres!

When I was first starting my human design journey, I was really stuck on this. I didn’t really understand what the shadows of the undefined centres were, or how I could use them. I spent a lot of time learning about myself through human design, but the part that was missing was what was NOT me. What I wasn’t meant to do or adhere to. This is where your deconditioning work comes in.

Deconditioning with human design is essentially shadow work, just really tailored to you energetically!

To help you get right to the root of your journey, I’ve developed a completely personal report you can buy. Its £15, and all you need to do is fill in your details and you’ll get access to the report straight away. No need to wait around or wait for it to be emailed, it’ll open on the next page.

So, if you’re serious about starting your deconditioning journey, this report is for you.

It’s simple, packed full of journal prompts and practical advice, and easy to understand and use. All you need to do is put the actions into practice and clear out the gunk in those undefined centres!

Download your personalised report & get started on your deconditioning journey…

If you’re a little stuck…

Step one: Fill in your birth details in the box above.

Step two: view your free chart.

Step three: scroll to the bottom and purchase your Deconditioning report to get started on that shadow work!

Enjoy the report? You can get a full reading with me here.

Or follow me on Instagram to stay up to date <3


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