Inauguration Astrology & Tarot: American Inauguration, Aquarius Season, and a lot of Pluto and Uranus…

I sit here today on the day of the American Inauguration and consider the prospect of the next few years. Elections are funny aren’t they? We lose so much energy fighting the result, when the result is just democracy at play, and forget that instead we could just… use that energy and put it into something we believe in? Something that might align with those government policies and values, or something that might not. Really, life on the ground doesn’t change all that much for most people. The issue really sits with where we waste and leak our energy. Instead of complaining about how bad the next few years might or might not be based on hearsay and guesswork, we can just focus on what we can control. And that’s just ourselves, and our energy, and how we choose to live under changing governments.

I did a little card pull this morning. The reason being that as I went to bed, the Sun card popped into my vision. The image of the baby riding the horse with her red flag amongst the sunflowers. A card of joy, celebration, elation, positivity and contentment. I thought it was a weird card to pop up the night before an inauguration, but I took it as a positive sign that despite all the fear that sits around, that there can be positives to come out of situations that might challenge our morals and values on some level. See, when it’s a two party race, there’s always going to be someone disappointed. So the choice is sit in disappointment, anger, fear, and waste your energy for 4 years just hating. OR, accept the result, move on, and focus that otherwise wasted energy on positive projects that speak to your own values. Imagine if all the people who were unhappy with an election result just went ‘f*ck it, I’m going to build that thing that I wanted the government to care about instead. If they can’t do it, I’ll have to.’ IMAGINE what the world would look that by the end of that 4 year term. The person would be in control, the party would be ruling, but the actual communities where we live would be totally and utterly transformed.

So what do we need to know about this term? What is this inauguration bringing with it energy wise?

The cards pulled were;

  • Reversed 4 of Pentacles - instability

  • Reversed 2 of cups - break ups of partnerships and alliances

  • The Fool - new beginnings

  • The Hermit - a beacon of light

  • 6 of Pentacles - a balancing of the books

And when I also saw that there’s a Sun/Pluto conjunction to follow in the next few hours after the inauguration, I loved the syncronicity of the Fool and that astrology coming in. Pluto is the planet of transformation, of endings and beginnings, kicking off a new cycle. America is also undergoing its first ever Pluto returns as a United States, so the Pluto energy is deeply intertwined with this Trump presidency.

So what does this all mean?

Well I looked at this in three parts. The reversed cards, indicate a period of financial instability for sure. A need to protect yourself and your own resources, be sensible this year, practical and pragmatic. Even selfish to a degree. A need to take care of your own needs first, put your own safety mask on, only then sharing the rest with others. It’s about self preservation. It’s something I suspect we’ll see also come in with this Trump presidency, looking after the ‘Americans’ first, before being able to help others, with trade tariffs as one example looking highly likely to be introduced to boost the US economy and workforce.

The second card out really plays with this theme as well. The reversed 2 of cups is about breakups, or distrust in relationships. When we know that Pluto in Aquarius brings in the energy of boundaries and borders being redrawn on a historical level (that’s what we’ve seen throughout Pluto in Aquarius…), then we can begin to look at this placement with fresh eyes. Knowing that the Trump administration is about ‘Making America Great Again’ this card signals union break ups. Now, could this be States breaking off and dismantling of the US as we know it? Perhaps. Could this be countries re-drawing boundaries and deals? Most likely, as I say, we know this is high on his list with sorting out Trade Tariffs. Could this be a redefinition of alliances? Also very likely. One to watch over the next few weeks not just few years.

The Fool and the Hermit then come in off the back off the milder energy to signal new beginnings and well, you can see the Hermit in two ways, either, a message of hope and light in the darkness, or, a return of the darkness. Depends if you’re a glass half full or half empty kinda person. The way I read this hermit is in two ways. Firstly, we’re in a collective 9 year, so it reminded me off all the themes we bring into this 9 year; sheddings, endings, completions, culmination of energy, but also ruled by Mars, it highlights powerful men. The pros and the cons, the good, the bad and the ugly. These two together, for me, signal a time of awakening, completely new energy, but also a year where individuals step back, go inside and consider what their next move is. It really speaks to what I said at the beginning I think. “If you can’t change the outcome, how can you change the energy you meet it with?”

And finally, the outcome. Why? The why. The 6 of pentacles is practical money. It’s about balancing the books, balancing the energy exchanges, this is about redistributing wealth and making sure exchanges are fair and just. So that’s where we’re heading. Whether you agree with how it’s done or not is again, kinda not worth the energy exchange in itself at this point. It’ll happen, you can’t control a government per se, but you can redirect the energy on the ground and put your words, actions and efforts into tangible help for your community and your ‘people’ whether they’re in the immediate vicinity or not.

This week we see Uranus being activated a lot too, and I raise this to highlight the stock markets, particularly the crypto market. Expect turbulence. Uranus is sat in Taurus, the BULL. Uranus is linked to tech, Taurus is linked to money. And it’s unpredictable as hell, but it is the sign of the bull so… keep an eye on the markets and if you have investments, you probably want to be paying particular attention to astrology as there are striking patterns emerging. Uranus will move into Gemini later this year, moving away from instable financial markets and into causing havoc in the media, specifically social media. More on that another time.

I hope this gives a little background as to the energies rolling around for the Trump inauguration… hold onto your hats, we’re in for powerful changes over the next few years.

Becky x

Instagram @becky_thw


Deconditioning with Human Design | Shadow Work