The Sounds I work with…
As a sound healer and space holder, I understand how important the energy of a room, the energy of a person, and the energy of an instrument is. For this reason, I only work with handmade bowls, or bowls which quite literally sing to me and open me up like a book. I’m super picky now about my instruments. In the early days, I bought just mass produced bowls which although are incredibly powerful, I knew weren’t 100% right for me. I’m a typical Leo. I resonate with luxury but not with quantity. I’d rather work with less, but create more powerful experiences with less. Everyone is different though! It’s important to work with what works for you!
The bowls I use are from a company based in the USA called Crystal Tones. All their bowls are handmade, and include high grade quartz among other minerals, metals, crystals and earth materials. They’re POWERFUL. If you’ve ever had a sound bath with these bowls, you’ll know exactly what I mean. They sing their hearts out. They shift. They connect ancestors. They do crazy strange things even to the most conservative of people. And it’s a pleasure to watch those transformations happen.
I always get questions about the bowls I use from people who visit, or fellow sound healers. So, I thought I’d create this post to introduce you to the bowls in my collection, or guardianship, right now. I am extremely grateful to be able to practice with these one-off pieces of art.