The Sounds I work with…
As a sound healer and space holder, I understand how important the energy of a room, the energy of a person, and the energy of an instrument is. For this reason, I only work with handmade bowls, or bowls which quite literally sing to me and open me up like a book. I’m super picky now about my instruments. In the early days, I bought just mass produced bowls which although are incredibly powerful, I knew weren’t 100% right for me. I’m a typical Leo. I resonate with luxury but not with quantity. I’d rather work with less, but create more powerful experiences with less. Everyone is different though! It’s important to work with what works for you!
The bowls I use are from a company based in the USA called Crystal Tones. All their bowls are handmade, and include high grade quartz among other minerals, metals, crystals and earth materials. They’re POWERFUL. If you’ve ever had a sound bath with these bowls, you’ll know exactly what I mean. They sing their hearts out. They shift. They connect ancestors. They do crazy strange things even to the most conservative of people. And it’s a pleasure to watch those transformations happen.
I always get questions about the bowls I use from people who visit, or fellow sound healers. So, I thought I’d create this post to introduce you to the bowls in my collection, or guardianship, right now. I am extremely grateful to be able to practice with these one-off pieces of art.
Introducing the crew…
Grandfather Ocean Indium Alchemy
Note: C (5th Octave)
Mix: Quartz, Iron, Indium
Intention: Grounding, ancestral wisdom, balance
Crystal Tones description: Sage Ceremonial thunder and Earth energies are the essence of the Grandfather Bowl that radiates wisdom energies. Connect and ground with the Earth's elemental kingdom and the ancestral wisdom of the Grandfather vibration in your heritage for grace and inner knowing. Iron-fused quartz crystal inspires diplomacy of true values. Acknowledge grandfather's ancestral gifts in his etheric crystalline headdress and feathers.
The Ocean Indium crystal singing bowl holds a higher, softer magenta frequency that communicates to and assists the body in morphing to an anti-aging, balanced state. Enhanced with Indium, a trace element that promotes longevity and mineral absorption in the body, the Violet and Indium sine waves of this bowl expand Spirit within. A catalyst for improved lifestyles with greater flow of chi, better diet, mobility, third eye (pineal gland) activation, a fuller spiritual alignment and balanced male and female energies. Manifest the cosmic blueprint of whole brain experience with The Ocean Indium crystal singing bowl®.
My personal reflections: It took me a while to connect with Grandfather alchemy. It’s a high pitched sound and it really gets into your head. Then I realised, it’s not here to be loved. It’s here to clear the mind energy. The mental chatter… and that’s probably what I was struggling with. My head is always full of ideas and creations, so coming to ‘stop’ and clear my head isn’t always easy. Now, I allow this bowl to sing loudly when it needs to, but also honour it with rest when the time isn’t quite right. I bought this bowl after my Grandfather passed away and it was always a nod to him in this collection.
Pink Ocean Gold Alchemy
Note: E (4th Octave)
Mix: Quartz
Intention: Harmony, Love, Peace & Self Belief
Crystal Tones description: Pink Dolphin Rhythm. The soft and nurturing embrace of our love source, with the strength of ageless wisdom, grace and healing. Pink Ocean Gold sings of the power of the heart in accomplishing a life well lived through compassion and courage.
My personal reflections: Ah I love Pink Ocean Gold. She’s beautiful, and she sings so easily… sometimes too easily. Her sound you will hear during the sound bath moves up and down quickly. It sounds like a dolphin echo coming back at you. This bowl very often gets people’s belly rumbling… connected to the solar plexus and digestive system, it brings about incredible shifts and has been a transformative addition to my sound baths.
Yagna (morphed) Alchemy
Note: G (3rd Octave)
Mix: Quartz, Ceremonial ashes
Intention: Karma clearing, communication awakening
Crystal Tones description: Karma Clearing. The sacred ashes from yagna ceremonies across the world have been infused into this powerful bowl. They contain the offerings of many thousands of mantra's to a large host of gods and goddesses from Ganesha, Lakshmi, Durga, Kali, Shiva, Vishnu. The ashes from these scared fires has a very high frequency signature that carries all the values and blessings of the yagnas. This energy is transmitted through the sound produced by the bowls, and assists in the absorption of higher truth and wisdom.
My personal reflections: This bowl was in my collection for around a year, and was always my favourite. I sang with it, played it constantly, and it actually prevented me from learning much about the other bowls… until one day I turned up at a clients house and it had broke. Smashed through the middle. I was GUTTED. My most expensive bowl. So precious with the ashes. Smashed. Now technically ‘worthless’ in terms of a bowl, she has nothing to lose when she sings. I patched her up using the japanese technique of kintsugi and she’s back in the collection for now. She’s not played as much now due to her fragile nature, but when she needs to sing she can. And I love her even more now she’s suffered pain and loss, than I did when I first got her.
Angel Aura Quartz
Note: B (3rd Octave)
Mix: Quartz
Intention: Deep relaxation
Description: Angel aura quartz connects to our whole body on a spiritual level. Shining all the colours of the rainbow, she’s a bowl to bring about utter balance. Those deep tones in the 3rd octave, rarer for a B note, bring about a sense of white noise which helps deepen relaxation. This bowl underpins a lot of my healing sessions. It’s a well loved bowl, easy on the body and the ear, and sings her song for ages after being played.
My personal reflections: This bowl always always makes an appearance in my sound baths. Her deep, harmonising tone forms the basis of most of my work, and magically weaves together the sounds of the other bowls. Although not a true alchemy, her ease of play and gorgeous feedback means she gets to stay in my collection for years to come. She’s magical, humble and powerful. We love angel aura!
Indigo Alchemy
Note: F# (4th Octave)
Mix: Quartz, indigo glaze
Intention: Awaken intuition and soul purpose
Crystal tones description: Indigo Mastery. A quantum-healing tool, the Indigo Clear crystal singing bowl links the pituitary gland and skeletal system, helps clear the mind and frees the past. It invokes the master within and gives clarity to psychic abilities and speaking one's truth. The Indigo carries a Third Eye vibration of those who are fully realised at birth - natural spiritual teachers. It assists them in aligning with Earth energies. This bowl is perfect for Indigo children/adults and for visualising global peace.
My personal reflections: Joining the crew in Summer 2022 after Yagna bowl broke, I wanted a bowl totally different to develop my collection. Indigo alchemy really stood out to me as a chance to connect more deeply with myself through meditation, and she gave me some incredible healing over Lions Gate portal. Showing me the direction I was going so clearly. Her power through the forest sound baths was incredible, and she’s well loved. However, this bowl has been triggering for a few people. Usually a nod that there’s some unlocking and inner work to do. Indigo bowl will call you out on the things you hide from yourself. The truths you feel. She wants you to be authentic and live your best life! Listen to her, feel her, and you won’t go far wrong.
Egyptian Blue Alchemy
Note: D# (4th Octave)
Mix: Quartz, faience
Intention: Hathor frequencies, adrenal/sacral healing, ancient wisdom
Crystal Tones description: Hathor. These beautiful bowls were designed and created exclusively by Crystal Tones to harmonically link the wisdom of the Ancient Ones with the healing technology of the future. The Egyptian Blue Bowl is modelled on the Quartz Crystal Egyptian Bowls from the 13th Dynasty Thebes, Egypt. These beautiful creations are all as individual as a fingerprint - no two are alike! The Crystal Tones Egyptian crystal singing bowl Series® was inspired by this Quartz Faience Bowl from the 13th Dynasty Egypt - (1,700 B.C.E. - nearly 4,000 years old!). Faience is the oldest artificial substance, first made in Egypt 5,500 years ago, a millennium before glass was invented. It has a core of powdered quartz particles that are fused to each other with heat (much like the crystal singing bowls of today). Over the core is a glaze, applied in one of several different ways.
My personal reflections: My newest addition. I was looking for something that sat with my B in the B Major scale, working alongside E and F#, and D# resonated with me more than the D note at the time I needed to expand. When I play her I get this incredible vision of myself on a wooden boat, sailing down the river nile in the moonlight. The wind blowing in my hair. The warm air soft on my skin. It’s a vision I had all the way through Lions Gate portal and an image that linked with this bowl straight away… the spooky thing is, the person I bought it off also reported a very similar vision when she was playing it, before I even spoke about my experience! Within her markings are a new moon, clouds and the figure ‘8’ or infinity symbol. What’s she going to bring in for us? We’ll soon find out…
Green Heart Aura Gold
Note: A# (4th Octave)
Mix: Quartz, gold
Intention: pineal & pituitary gland stimulation, heart connection & expansion
Crystal Tones description: Made of gold. This bowl is about opening the heart fully to giving and receiving love. It creates strong roots that help us to connect in a universal manner with all life. The feeling of Oneness of connection to all that is. It allows us to be more understanding and compassionate with others.
My personal reflections: coming soon!