Starting your Human Design Experiment

Starting your human design experiment where to start

Back in April 2020 I began my human design experiment and wow, what a long way I have come since then. A journey of peeling back the layers and understanding myself in such a deep way. Once you begin your journey, you never go back.

Starting your Human Design experiment can be quite overwhelming though. With so much information out there, so many teachers, so many resources, it’s important to find someone that resonates with you. The ones that you can easily understand, that break it down for you and make you have those light bulb moments, they’re the teachers that resonate uniquely with you. Follow them.

If that teacher happens to be me, I am someone who makes things super simple and gets rid of all the ‘pretty fluff’ so we can get to the bones of the information (I’m an appetite digestion in Human Design… I just want the basics), then I’ve laid out a roadmap for you to follow below so you can understand how that journey might look.

First thing’s first, you might want to download your human design chart if you haven’t already done so here.

FIRST, Understand your Energy Type

There are 5 energy types. Manifestors, Manifesting Generators, Generators, Projectors and Reflectors. And whilst there isn’t a hierarchy, there is a flow to how the energy moves between different people. Get the dance right, and the world is your oyster. So begin here. Look at your energy type and really get into the nitty gritty of it.

Understand your own Energy type and download the free workbook here.

Then begin to understand how your energy works within a dynamic by understanding the different types of energy types and how they operate in this 1 hour workshop here.

Then, understand the Profile Lines (and Hexagram Structure)

I’m always quite suprised by how many people skip this bit. Profile lines aren’t just important for understanding your own unique flow of how your personality really wants to SHINE, but they also form a fundamental basic to understanding the hexagram structure (those numbers 1-6 you see dotted all over your chart). Those numbers are hexagram structure numbers and tell the story of your energy in real depth and detail. If you skip this part, it makes building solid foundations really difficult. So I would really advise you to understand profile lines before you go any further!

You can download the free ebook on profile lines here, with journal questions to prompt you.

You can get a 1 hour recorded workshop on profile lines here.

And you can read more about the hexagram structure here.

Begin truly applying these before you go deeper

Personally, I spent almost 2 years applying the above. I was so out of alignment that I really needed to strip it back to basics. Because we live in a world where everything is so fast paced, it can feel really boring to slow down. But that’s where the absolute magic is. You won’t be able to align your life over night (sorry for the spoiler). You need to get really comfortable in deep awareness. So spend time digesting the above parts of your profile. Make friends with them. Notice where you’ve pushed those parts of you away. And THEN let’s get down to the fun stuff like centres and environments and digestion and life themes. Because this topic is HUGE.

Ready to slow down?

Journalling is one of the best tools you can use in my opinion for this Human Design experiment. Get a new journal, write down all you’ve learnt about yourself and begin tracking your self and not-self themes. Start noticing where you feel icky and where you feel in flow. There’s clues all around us, it’s just where often not present enough to listen. This is where starting your human design experiment really begins. Are you ready!?

I post regular content about my human design work on Instagram, feel free to head over and follow.


Human Design & Health: How to read your chart to optimise your physical health and wellbeing


Kate Middleton Cancer Diagnosis: What does the Human Design chart say?