Energy Health Reading

What’s your story?

Our health is linked to the story of our life so far, so this reading is an indepth look into the underlying emotional triggers of your current health. You’ll be guided to understand the stories, patterns and beliefs that led you to this point in your health journey now, and how you can remedy your symptoms through lifestyle tweaks, awareness of your unique stress markers and self connection tools using a combination of Human Design, Gene Keys, buddhist and yogic philosophy and German New Medicine.

Who is this reading for?

This 1 hour reading is an indepth look at your energy body and how symptoms will speak to you and what they’re saying.

Ideally, this is a pro-active reading that can help you implement greater alignment into your life so you understand the signals your body sends you and can work with them to understand where strain and stress is coming in, causing inflammation, what those symptoms are, and how to minimise those symptoms without supressing them.

However this reading is also an incredible resource for anyone struggling with their health. From auto-immune conditions to migraines, cancer recovery to IBS management. We will look at where stress is coming into the body and how to remedy these stresses through simple, stackable lifestyle edits.

This is really about empowered health. Going beyond the basics of ‘eat well and move,’ this reading will help you see the unseen through the tools of Human Design, Gene Keys and German New Medicine so we can really get to the root of your illness.

From here, it maybe that you need extra support, for example, trauma healing. I am connected to some incredible professionals who I will always refer you onto should it come up. Treatments such as tapping, EMDR, psychotherapy, breathwork and yoga therapy may be needed to shift long-term trauma. Or if the causes are more day to day stresses, we can discuss edits to your day, experiments and relaxation tools such as sound healing and yoga nidra to bring the body back into balance and work to reduce inflammation.

You’ll leave feeling empowered and with a new sense of understanding and connection to your body and how it speaks to you.

What does this reading cover?

Using a combination of Human Design variables, Gene Keys, German New Medicine and Louise Hay’s body of work, we will look to understand the stress and emotional signals your body is communicating to you, and what you can do about them.

We will look at everything from environmental health to the things you’re digesting everyday, whether that be through food, environment, news, poeple… we’ll do a full audit on what’s around and going into your body and whether that’s healthy for you on an emotional level.

We’ll also explore perpectives to see whether you need to align yourself with people who see the world the same as you, or whether that echo chamber is becoming a little too loud. We’ll also explore healthy and unhealthy motivations.

We’ll look at repressive and reactive signals for your body with the Gene Keys and how to identify alignment from here. Alignment = health afterall.

And we’ll explore cues from German New Medicine and Louise Hay when it comes to individual illnesses you’re experiencing.

This is a full picture reading to give you all the tools you need to begin listening to your body and re-connecting to it.

Where’s the proof?

Stress causes inflammation. Inflammation causes disease. It’s really as simple as that. The betteter we can get at identifying the stresses, the less inflammation we hold in our bodies, the better our collective health becomes.

There’s a lot of trauma collectively stored in our society. Sexual abuse, traumatic childhoods, poor parenting, alcholism, self worth issues, broken communities. Alongside stress, it’s healthy to understand any trauma that is being carried within the body too. At this point, I can put you intouch with trauma specialists such as psychotherapists and EMDR specialists to address any root trauma issues in your energy body.

But there’s also these two things to consider when looking at the work I do.

The first is Epigenetics. This is a scientific study of our DNA that begins to explore and understand that we are not a victim to our genes, and actually we can’t just ‘blame our genes’ for most things. Sorry. If our genes can be turned off, they also have the potential to be turned back on. The genes aren’t missing, they’re just dormant in our system. This is empowering. It leads us to believe that actually, we have much more control over our health than we thought when we create a healing, aligned environment for ourselves.

The second is the Neutrino stream. This is a constant energetic imprint that runs through our planet and around the galaxy. Human Design understands that when we’re born, we’re plunged into that energy stream and pick up the energies of the moment. This is our ‘home’ state, our natural state. Which is why the energy within a space when we’re born is so important… it gets imprinted alongside those planetary energies! Anyway, Human Design helps us come back home. Our energy bodies are an exact imprint of what was happening when we were born in our own perfect and unique way, and asks us to be guided back home to live in true health and alignment. Beautiful

The Story of Sheryl Crow and breast cancer

The importance of understanding our emotional energy can be highlighted through Sheryl Crow’s sderpation from Lance Armstrong. This is Sheryl’s energy body. Having been with Lance Armstrong for many years, the couple got engaged in September 2005. On 3rd February 2006, they announced their seperation. And around the 20th February 2006, Sheryl was diagnosed with stage one breast cancer.

Firstly, open and undefined centres seem to be more at risk of diseases such as cancer. But the other interesting thing here is the defined gates 7, 1 and 13. All reaching from the heart (a space of love), towards the throat (expression centre) but not quite making it. The timeline is interesting. A heartbreak in an undefined centre where she perhaps struggles with expression. This is why timelines, stories and emotional understanding is important.

Bob Marley and Cancer in the undefined centres

Another projector with cancer, and this story actually sparked me pulling together all my knowledge because what I was seeing just made total sense.

Bob Marley is a Shores environment body. That means for his body to stay healthy, he needs to be out of the business of life, somewhat elevated to a new perspective, ideally close to or able to get into water, and with plenty of space around him. He spent most of his life on the beautiful Shores of Jamaica, happy and well. He moves to London and within a year or so he develops cancer in his undefined root centre… coincidence? I think not…

Do you see the patterns?

Do you see the stories?

As I continue my research into the energy body and understand what’s going wrong on an energetic level for is to get sick, there are three very clear benchmarks for every single person to integrate and understand in their lives:

Stress, causing inflammation, can be coming from the most unlikely sources but it’s making you physically ill. Often, we think about stress as just something we get from work or when we’re going through a tough life patch. It isn’t. It could be coming from the foods you’re eating being incorrect for your body, the people you’re surrounding yourself with poisoning your mindset (without even knowing), the environment you live or work in, your motivations in life… there’s a lot of ways stress and inflammation creep into the body, and by keep ignoring it by taking those Renies or Paracetamol, you’re just supressing a problem that’s later going to bite you on the bum!

Sleep health is as important, if not more important, than exercise and diet. Getting your sleep right is one of the most important things you can do. If you’re not prioritisng sleep, you’re not giving your body a chance to heal itself everyday. Those small niggles add up and before you know it, you’ve got a bigger problem on your hands. We MUST start taking sleep more seriously.

Each and every body is asking for something totally different… and that’s where it gets complicated until you begin understanding the signals of the body. We expect our doctors to know our bodies like we do. That’s not their job, I hate to break it to you. It’s YOUR job to know YOUR body and to be able to communicate what your body needs to your doctor. That needs to be how our health service works. Through the individual in that body deeply connecting and nourishing it, and using the health services only when they need to, not relying on it, but being grateful for its wisdom when it’s needed above their own.

What I’m doing is creating the manual to understand, on an energetic level, what our body needs to heal, survive and thrive.

Do you want to become more empowered in your health?

Readings are £100 for 1 hour and can be recorded if you wish to watch back at anytime.