Human Design & Health: How to read your chart to optimise your physical health and wellbeing

human design health

Human Design and health. Is that a thing?

Can your chart actually hold the clues to your auto immune condition?

To why cancer has shown up in the body?

To why some people suffer with PCOS and endometriosis and womb-related illness, and others just, don’t?

What about skin conditions? What can human design tell us about our health?

It turns out, quite a lot.

Over the last few months I’ve been studying, in detail, stories from within my community.

A very normal, working class area in rural England.

As I’ve listened to people’s stories, with their permission, I’ve also been delving into the health conditions doctors can’t get to the bottom of. Most commonly, auto immune conditions, Crohns Disease, IBS, and skin complaints like psoriasis.

These are health conditions that are incredibly common in my community. And I was curious to see what I might find in the bodygraphs of the people I studied.

What I discovered about Human Design and health, alongside what appears to be my own let’s call them intuitive abilities (pattern spotting skills really!), was that I could see EXACTLY where the issue was coming from.

I’d listen to people tell me about developing cancer on their forehead after beginning to heal from serious, long term mental health conditions.

I’d listen to stories of people who’s IBS flared up everytime they spent time with a certain person they found toxic but couldn’t get away from at the time.

I’d listen to (countless stories) of how autoimmune conditions were triggered when an environment around them suddenly changed… like the environment was keeping them safe for a period of time and when it changed, their body went into an unsafe ‘spleenic’ response (which is pretty much exactly what was happening).

I’d listen to stories of people develop cancer and check their chart… there it was in an undefined centre after a period of sitting in the shadow frequency of the one gate they had in there… or notice that their environment was currently a million miles away from what their bodygraph was saying they’d thrive in.

I’d listen to the story of how one person’s parent developed alzheimers after a large blood tranfusion (with an open G Centre) and on top of that, was placed in an environment that wasn’t at all suitable for them, a busy, crowded hospital ward.

These weren’t isolated stories. I was hearing the same stories over, and over, and over again. And each time I looked at the chart, it was quite obvious to me what was going wrong. Everytime I matched the story, the timeline and the chart together, I could see the root. The trigger. The cause.

It honestly, blew my mind.

Now getting to the root and healing the root are two different things. I don’t offer the ‘healing’ service unless you need help with lifestyle changes like managing sleep and stress, but I can make recommendations as to what you might need to look into to heal the emotional root of the cause. Because most of these issues seem to be coming from an emotional root cause.

It might be that EFT is needed, or EMDR. It might be that you need a somatic practitioner or acupuncture, or talk therapy. It might be you need deeper nutritional advice, gut resets, movement therapy, art… The thing is, once we know the root, the cause, THEN the treatments become a lot clearer. Because rather that stabbing around in the dark and hoping anything and everything will help, you can see exactly what you’re working with and exactly what your body is screaming out for.

And to help you get to a point of deep understand, there are two ways I can help.

The first one, is the 6 hour webinar series I’ve developed on understanding the emotional body, the impacts of stress, and how to read your Human Design chart to assist your health. You can find that here.

The other option, is a person 1:1 human design health reading. You can find out more about that here.

Ultimately, what we’re talking about here is understanding your story, the timelines of your life, and what the illness is, or was, communicating to you at that time. Whether it was there to heal you, or whether there’s still healing to be done.

It sounds totally woo woo, but the simple fact is that dis-ease in the body causes disease. So the more we can understand what the body is telling us through understanding our own unique symptoms, the better prepared we can be to support our body in day to day healing. With a view to being able to reduce long term ill health.

And if you want to get a feel for my energy first before you sign up to anything, you can follow me on Instagram here :)

Becky x


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